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Business Report Templates Built for Engagement

Choose from the best free B2B pitch deck templates for winning companies. Go beyond Powerpoint slides - take your presentation from boring to captivating.

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What is a report template?

A report presentation template is a long-form design for a document that covers an issue, a question, or an event in detail. Historically business report templates were made for PDF or PPT but modern businesses are moving to more innovative web-based report design, built as webpages or on special interactive content platforms.

What makes an engaging report template?

A good and engaging report template is built with interactive and multimedia content. A professional report template helps present information using motion and live graphics readers can interact with and choose their own pace.

The best report templates cannot be applied to PDFs and PowerPoints since they do not provide immersive content experiences as described above. I recommend the customizable interactive business report templates on this page.

Knowing how how to create a report that converts is an art and a science. But it does become much easier when using a report maker.

What are the main types of business report templates?

  • Impact report
  • NGO report
  • Corporate report
  • Annual report
  • Quarterly report
  • Research report (white paper)
  • Project report
  • Financial report

Why use a report template instead of paying an agency?

  1. Stroydoc report templates are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made report
  2. Our template cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency
  3. Our reports are about 5x faster to produce

What should a report template include?

A non-standardized report does not have a strict report layout. But any compelling and engaging report will include certain key elements such as charts, graphs, tables, and visuals that complement the report text and make it easier to understand.

An organized report template will also include a table of contents, stylized section headings, and implement a coherent storyline that takes the reader through the main question the report explores, through obstacles, and finally to the answer.

Ultimately what you can include changes according to different report formats.

Where to find a professional business report template?

If you’re asking yourself - “how can I find a professional business report template?” look no further.

There are free business report templates available online. The best of them are found right here on this page. You can use any of them to create a beautiful, immersive, and memorable report in a day's work.

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What creators like you say


"We loved hearing things like 'Wow, your reports are amazing. We’ve invested in many different funds but we have never seen reports like that!'"


Ido Hart

Check out their deck

“I'll tell you this much - it makes a huge difference when someone receives an interactive report rather than just another PDF"

Uri Gabai

Uri Gabai,
CEO at Start-Up Nation Policy Instituteri

Check out their deck
Engaging decks. Made easy

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