10 live links per story
Unlimited traffic to your link
AI slide assistant
Free library of professionally designed templates
Presentation analytics
Up to 3 live presentation templates
Up to 20 slides per story
Free gallery of premium stock images, videos, and icons
Unlimited content integrations
Smart version control
Rich gallery of interactive slides and templates
Premium stock images, videos & icons
Live links and versions
Monthly traffic to your links
Slides per templates
Live deck templates
Deck analytics & alerts
Create versions in bulk
Generate entire decks with AI
Slide magic assistant
AI text assistant
"Smart logo fetch tool
AI image generator
Professional brand editor
Font gallery and color themes
Hosting your links
Version control
Private and public versions
Embed on your website
Rich content integrations
Email support
Unlimited slides and live templates
Pro slides, features, and templates
Custom branding. Storydoc badge removed
Export to PDF
Extended AI tokes and unlimited logo finder queries
Personalization with dynamic variables
Create presentations in bulk
Analytics integrations
Story access control
Rich gallery of interactive slides and templates
Premium stock images, videos & icons
Live links and versions
Monthly traffic to your links
Pro slides and templates
Slides per templates
Live deck templates
Export to PDF
Deck analytics & alerts
Text dynamic variables
Custom dynamic variables, incl. media and data
Workspace folders
Create versions in bulk
Generate entire decks with AI
Slide magic assistant
AI text assistant
"Smart logo fetch tool
AI image generator
Professional brand editor
Font gallery and color themes
Branded links with your logo (favicon)
Removing the Storydoc badge
Custom document engagement bar
Hosting your links
Branded subdomain
Whitelabel subdomain
Version control
Private and public versions
Version expiry date
Identified access
Embed on your website
Rich content integrations
Pro integrations
Analytics integrations
E-signature integration
Accept online payments
Deck automation and API access
Email support
Live chat support
Bespoke template design
Studio design services
Tailor-made templates by our studio
Custom subdomain
CRM integrations
Team setup and training
Custom data & media variables
Smart team roles & permissions
Secure SSO (SAML)
Studio design services
Custom generative AI
Deck automation and API access
Starting from 10 team seats
Rich gallery of interactive slides and templates
Premium stock images, videos & icons
Live links and versions
Monthly traffic to your links
Pro slides and templates
Slides per templates
Live deck templates
Export to PDF
Reader PDF export
Deck analytics & alerts
Text dynamic variables
Custom dynamic variables, incl. media and data
Custom dynamic variables, incl. media and data
Workspace folders
Create versions in bulk
Generate entire decks with AI
Slide magic assistant
AI text assistant
"Smart logo fetch tool
AI image generator
Custom AI deck generator
Professional brand editor
Font gallery and color themes
Branded links with your logo (favicon)
Removing the Storydoc badge
Custom document engagement bar
Using your unique fonts
Hosting your links
Branded subdomain
Whitelabel subdomain
Version control
Private and public versions
Version expiry date
Identified access
Password protection
Smart team roles & permissions
Secure SSO Support (SAML)
Multiple workspaces
Custom DPA, documentations and certificates
Access from CRM
Embed on your website
Rich content integrations
Pro integrations
Analytics integrations
E-signature integration
Accept online payments
Document approval
CRM integrations
Accessibility widget integration
Your custom GDPR & CCPA consent module
Deck automation and API access
Custom CRM integration and automation
Email support
Live chat support
Team onboarding and training
Analytics review
Designated storytelling expert
Bespoke template design
Studio design services
Workspace setup
Ongoing training programs
Everything that you should know about Storydoc
Do you have templates I can start from?
Yes, inside our app, you’ll find professional layout templates aimed at accommodating most of the typical elements of a presentation, all designed by our experts: header, problem overview, big numbers, timelines, product descriptions, and more. Storydocs also give you some powerful options for data visualization: interactive charts, graphs, ROI calculators, to name a few.
What’s the best way to get started?
Just pick a template you like and jump right in! Inside the app, you can switch between templates seamlessly, so the first choice doesn’t limit you at all. The Storydoc presentation app comes with a helpful brand editor that will walk you through every step until you have a presentation you’re in love with.
What would happen with my Storydocs if I canceled the subscription?
All the Storydocs you created are yours to keep forever. The links will remain active. However, you’d lose access to the editor app—you’d no longer be able to modify your presentations, create new versions, or use the analytics panel.
What exactly is there inside the app?
Inside the Storydoc app, you’ll have access to your interactive Storydoc presentation templates . There, you can edit and customize them as much as you please: add, remove, or rearrange elements using pre-set slides. Everything happens in our intuitive editor, no code involved. Deploying new versions of your Storydoc presentations happens instantly, there’s no downtime and no caching.
Who is Storydoc for?
We created Storydoc primarily as a tool for business professionals. It’s the perfect presentation maker for sales and marketing teams. That said, Storydocs can be used across all business roles and industries, whenever you need a great presentation or an effective pitch deck.
How do Storydoc templates stay on brand?
If you upload your current slides, a PDF deck, or even paste the link to your website, our app will automatically extract your key visuals—graphics, colors, fonts, logos, images, and more. This way, your Storydoc immediately feels yours and is customized to match your brand.
What is a presentation template?
A presentation template (we like to call it simply a Storydoc) is an interactive web presentation, created and hosted on Storydoc. You can easily modify every part of your Storydoc and create unlimited personal versions—no code involved.
What is a personal version?
A custom version of your Storydoc presentation is a version which you customize to a given customer or audience based on your template, adding things like their name, logo, or a personal introduction. Each customized version has its unique URL. Don’t worry—modifying a specific version wouldn’t impact the master.
What integrations does Storydoc offer?
All the ones you need! First of all, Storydocs give you full content integrations: Calendly, Loom, YouTube, Typeform, and many more, you can add all of those to your Storydoc presentation. But we go way beyond the basics. With Storydoc, you can embed lead-capturing forms, your own live chat, advanced dashboards, in-page payments, and e-signatures. Read more on our Integrations page.
If I reach the limit of live page templates, can I replace a template with another one?
Yes! You can always unpublish or archive a template you’re not using at the moment and publish a new one.
Are Storydocs mobile-friendly?
Of course! Storydoc is optimized for flawless mobile performance. No matter the divide or OS your presentation is opened on, the design will be perfect.
Is my data safe with Storydoc?
Yes, the Storydoc app is safe and secure thanks to an encrypted connection. We process your data in accordance with very strict policies. For more information, see Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy.
Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations.
Your new amazing deck is one click away!