TV Show Pitch Deck Templates That Win Investors Over

Grab a TV pitch deck template that hooks decision-makers. Impress distributors and producers with interactive TV series pitch deck design beyond PPT or PDF.

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What makes Storydoc better than PowerPoint or PDF?

Using your same-old PowerPoint pitch for TV show template will not help you stand out or engage.

Streaming executives and investors have seen countless polished TV show pitch deck PPTs and PDFs before.

Though visually appealing, they remain static, uninspiring, and difficult to fully grasp.

What is the goal of a TV show pitch deck?

The goal of a TV show pitch deck is to present your show concept clearly and compellingly, capturing the attention of streaming executives or investors.

It should showcase the show's unique elements, potential audience appeal, and marketability, making it easy for decision-makers to see the value of your idea.

What should a TV show pitch deck template include?

  1. Title slide: Show name, logline, and your contact information.
  2. Synopsis slide: Brief overview of the show's plot.
  3. Character breakdown: Key characters and their development arcs.
  4. Episode guide: Summary of episode themes or story arcs.
  5. Market analysis: Target audience, competition, and unique selling points.
  6. Visual style: Mood boards or sample visuals to convey the show's aesthetic.
  7. Production details: Budget, timeline, and key crew members.
  8. Call to action: What you’re seeking (funding, distribution, etc.).

Why use a Storydoc template instead of paying a design agency?

  1. Stroydocs are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made TV show pitch deck template.
  2. Our templates cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency.
  3. With Storydoc you can produce content about 5x faster than using the legacy design approach.

What makes a good TV show pitch deck design?

A good TV show pitch deck design should include:

  1. Strong visual storytelling: Use images, colors, and layouts that reflect the show's tone and theme.
  2. Interactive elements: Incorporate clickable elements, animations, or videos to engage the audience.
  3. Clear and concise content: Avoid clutter; keep text minimal and focused on key points.
  4. Brand consistency: Ensure the design aligns with the show's branding and style.
  5. Professional polish: Maintain high-quality visuals and a clean, modern look.

What are the main types of TV show pitch decks?

  • Concept pitch deck: Focuses on the core idea and visual style.
  • Character-driven pitch deck: Highlights characters and their arcs.
  • Full series pitch deck: Includes detailed episode guides and season arcs.
  • Proof of concept pitch deck: Uses visuals or videos to showcase the show’s potential.
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