Project One-Pager Template That Stands Out

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What makes Storydoc better than PowerPoint or PDF?

With your same-old PowerPoint project one-pager template. design, you’ll never stand out, let alone engage.

Decision-makers and investors have seen a beautiful project one-pager template.

PPTs and PDFs a thousand times before. Though pretty, they’re still static, dull, and hard to understand.

What is the goal of a project one-pager?

The goal of a project one-pager is to succinctly communicate the key details and value of a project.

It aims to grab attention, convey essential information quickly, and persuade stakeholders or investors of the project's worth, all on a single, easily digestible page.

What makes a good project one-pager design?

  1. Clarity and simplicity: Ensure the design is easy to follow with a clear hierarchy.
  2. Consistent branding: Use colors and fonts that align with your brand identity.
  3. Engaging visuals: Incorporate charts, images, or icons to break up text and convey information visually.
  4. Interactivity: Consider digital one-pagers that include hyperlinks or interactive elements for deeper engagement.
  5. Storytelling: Structure the content to tell a compelling story of the project’s need, solution, and impact.

Why use a Storydoc template instead of paying a design agency?

  1. Stroydocs are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made project one-pager template.
  2. Our templates cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency.
  3. With Storydoc you can produce content about 5x faster than using the legacy design approach.

What should a project one-pager template include?

  1. A captivating headline: Clearly and concisely state the project's purpose.
  2. An engaging introduction: Briefly describe the project and its significance.
  3. Key objectives: List the main goals of the project.
  4. Benefits and features: Highlight what sets the project apart.
  5. Call to action: Direct readers on what to do next.
  6. Contact information: Provide details for further communication.
  7. Visual elements: Use graphs, charts, or images to support your points.

What are the main types of project one-pagers?

  • Marketing and sales one-pagers: Focus on product or service offerings.
  • Project proposal one-pagers: Summarize project goals, benefits, and requirements.
  • Event one-pagers: Highlight event details, speakers, and schedules.
  • Company overview one-pagers: Provide a snapshot of company achievements and capabilities.
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