Product One-Pager Templates That Get People Excited

Go beyond PowerPoint and PDF. Use product one-pager templates with interactive slides that take you from boring static PPTs to captivating stories.

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What makes a great product one-pager?

A greate product one-pager templates uses multimedia content to grab attention and engage readers. It let’s stop relying on static PowerPoints and saves your readers from death by PowerPoint.

Instead modern product one-pagers deliver an interactive web-based experience where readers can choose what type of content to consume and how much of it.

Befefits of using an interactive product one-pager template

  1. Interactive product one-pager templates make you stand out
  2. Interactive templates are much more fun and entertaining to consume
  3. Interactivity get readers more involved in the content which makes them more committed
  4. Interactive templates allow readers to determine the pace and extent of their reading
  5. Interactive content like tabs, sliders, and videos lets readers expose only the content that's relevant to them

What does a product one-pager template include?

A product one-pager has 7 basic slides:

  1. Cover slide
  2. About your company
  3. Into about the product
  4. Needs or wants your product solve for
  5. How your product solves it better than anything else
  6. Brief description of features
  7. Call to action / Next steps

Read more about this in our post about product one-pager examples and writing tips.

What are the main types of product one-pager template?

  1. SaaS product one-pager - used in B2B marketing and sales
  2. Consumer product - Used by agents and retailers for high-ticket items
  3. Industrial product - used for sales of industrial equipment
  4. Real estate product one-pager - used for marketing and selling properties
  5. Internal product one-pager - used for gaining stakeholder buy-in for new projects
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