Event Pitch Deck Templates That Sell Your Story

Grab an event pitch deck template to craft clear, concise proposals. Impress clients and investors with designs surpassing traditional PPT, and PDF formats.

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What makes Storydoc better than PowerPoint or PDF?

With your same-old PowerPoint event pitch deck design, you’ll never stand out, let alone engage.

Sponsors, clients and investors have seen beautiful Event pitch deck template PPTs and PDFs a thousand times before.

Though pretty, they’re still static, dull, and hard to understand.

What is the goal of an event pitch deck?

The goal of an event pitch deck is to effectively communicate the vision, value, and specifics of an event to potential sponsors, partners, or attendees.

It aims to engage and persuade the audience to support or participate in the event.

What makes a good event pitch deck design?

  1. Clarity and simplicity: Use clear, concise language and visuals.
  2. Consistent branding: Incorporate your event's colors, fonts, and logos.
  3. Engaging visuals: Use high-quality images and graphics to capture attention.
  4. Storytelling: Structure your deck to tell a compelling story about your event.
  5. Interactivity: Include interactive elements like links or videos to engage viewers.
  6. Data visualization: Use charts and infographics to present data clearly.

Why use a report template instead of paying a report design agency?

  1. Stroydocs are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made event pitch deck
  2. Our templates cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency.
  3. With Storydoc you can produce content about 5x faster than using the legacy design approach.

What should an event pitch deck template include?

  • Cover slide: Event name and a captivating image.
  • Event overview: Purpose, theme, and date.
  • Value proposition: Why your event is unique.
  • Target audience: Who the event is for.
  • Agenda: Key activities and speakers.
  • Sponsorship opportunities: Options and benefits for sponsors.
  • Testimonials: Positive feedback from past events.
  • Call to action: What you want the viewer to do next.

What are the main types of event pitch decks?

  • Sponsorship pitch decks: For attracting sponsors.
  • Partner pitch decks: For seeking event partners.
  • Sales pitch decks: For selling event tickets or booths.
  • Internal pitch decks: For pitching the event within an organization.
Engaging decks. Made easy

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