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The Israeli Agriculture-Food Tech Sector​
Q1 2023 Report by Start-Up Nation Central​

An analysis of private and public investments, M&A activity, and IPOs by period and subsectors in the rapidly evolving Agriculture- Food Tech landscape.


Summary of Insights

The land of milk and honey continues to pioneer and innovate Agriculture-Food technologies and science. Israel’s ecosystem is tackling the most critical global challenges - far beyond milk and honey.

Following an outstanding 2022 followed by a global macroeconomic slowdown, Q1 2023 has clearly been a challenging quarter for the overall Agriculture-Food sector. In terms of overall investments, as well as average deal size, Q1 has reached an all-time low, however, the number of investments has only decreased slightly - investor interest remains high, and company roadmap milestones are being met.​

Food - Israeli food startups are continuously sprouting groundbreaking scientific advancements that enable supportive solutions for cultivated foods, novel ingredients, and packaging subsectors.​

Agriculture - Autonomous and robotic solutions as well as data-based digital tools for both farmers and ecosystem stakeholders have gained the confidence of investors, proving that both the value offering and product market fit of these solutions are recognized.​

When analyzing the emerging subsectors within the Agriculture-food sector, and the supporting underlying technologies we remain confident that the ecosystem is positioned to grow.​

From livestock Agriculture and crops, bee & pollination solutions, functional foods, novel ingredients, and alternative proteins, the Agriculture-Food Tech sector is reinventing traditional industries, and as such, is facing unique challenges. This is where Start-Up Nation Central steps in to support the ecosystem as a whole and the start-ups in particular.

We connect more than 100 global entities to Israeli startups every year. In addition, we map monitor, and assist companies of all kinds and at all stages to facilitate market access.

Alon TurKaspa, Agriculture-Food Tech sector lead at Start-Up Nation Central

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Amount of Equity Invested
Q1 2023

Q4 2022


Amount of Exits Value
Q1 2023

Q4 2022

* A sample of prominent companies in the subsectors​​

* Companies may be classified under multiple subsectors.

Private Funding in Q1 2023

Public Funding in Q1 2023

Private Funding in Q1 2023​​

Public Funding in Q1 2023​​

Finder's Report Analysis

This report was composed by Yariv Lotan, VP of Digital Products, Development and Data, and Einat Ben-Ari, Head of Data and BI |

Start-Up Nation Central is a non-profit organization that connects Israeli innovation to the world to help international entities solve global challenges. Inspired by the book Start-Up Nation and immersed in the Israeli technology ecosystem, we provide a platform that nurtures business growth and generates partnerships to strengthen Israel’s economy and society.


Methodology Notes​

  • The report is based on the START-UP NATION FINDER database.​

  • It is a snapshot of Q1 2023 activity as of April 16, 2023.​

  • Q1 2023 figures might further revise in the future as the activity in this quarter continues to be revealed. In particular, funding rounds in early-stage startups are usually published with a delay.​

  • The definition for companies and investors can be found in the FINDER Glossary under the terms “Companies” and “Investors”, respectively.​

  • The report includes only companies that their primary sector is classified as Agriculture-Food Tech. ​

  • Companies may be classified into multiple Agriculture-Food Tech subsectors.​

  • Active Investors are defined as investors with at least 3 investment rounds since 2021.​

  • Investments Types included: Pre Seed, Seed, A, B, C, D, E, F, G Rounds, Convertible Debt, Post-IPO Equity Funding, Private Equity, Undisclosed Round. Excluded: Crowdfunding, Equity Crowdfunding , Debt Financing and Grants.

  • Links are dynamic and provide current snapshots, so the results might not exactly match the figures in the report.

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