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How ScaleHub Removed Friction from Prospecting with Storydoc

Find out how ScaleHub's VP of Sales removed friction from his team's prospecting, got conversations going with prospects, and accelerated pipeline growth.

  • Faster collateral creation
  • Collateral that stands out
  • Tracking & Analytics
scalehub case study - storydoc

About ScaleHub | LinkedIn


Born from the vision of data experts in 2016, ScaleHub embarked on a mission to revolutionize document processing.

Harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and automation, they transformed traditional data extraction, making it faster and more accurate. Today, they redefine agility in business, enabling companies to scale document and image processing on demand.

The challenge - build a pipeline and fast

As Peter Mueller left his position as a Sales Executive at NICE to become the first VP of Partnerships in the US at ScaleHub, he had an immediate problem to deal with - he needed to build his sales pipeline, and he needed to do it fast.

Leaving a giant company like NICE to grow a young start-up, Peter knew he wouldn't have the same time and resources to produce the high-end collateral he and his new team needed to build their pipeline.

Luckily, he didn’t need to. He knew that his sales team at NICE were already using the solution he needed for prospecting - Storydoc.

Peter knew he had a proven solution that allowed him to easily create impressive decks and effectively score new meetings. So you guessed it - he brought Storydoc over with him to ScaleHub.

“I was able to initiate more conversations, and Storydoc enabled conversations to move forward with less friction

Peter Mueller, VP of Partnerships in the US at ScaleHub

peter mueller


This case study is the story of exactly how Peter uses Storydoc to remove friction from his team’s prospecting and win more meetings with potential prospects.

In a nutshell:

  • Peter and his team moved from legacy static PDFs to interactive decks that remove friction for their prospects.

  • They reduced their content production time and collaborated more effectively

  • They created tailored and personalized decks at scale.

  • They perfected their decks by using Storydoc’s analytics to learn fast which slides worked and which didn't.

  • They used Storydoc analytics to keep track of how prospects engage with their decks and gain timely insights into their buyers’ decision-making process.

Here's what ScaleHub's sales deck looks like:

It’s best to stick with what works

Peter told us that back when he worked at NICE “I was looking for an easy and professional way to create collateral that stands out.”

One day, one of his colleagues brought him a new tool he just came across.

“He said, look, I found this tool called Storydoc. And he showed it to the whole team. And I just thought right away…that’s the perfect way to simply and elegantly share information instead of sending PowerPoints or summaries.”

Peter was looking for a simple way to create professional-looking content that’s more fun for prospects to read. He told us - “When you're sending out prospecting emails, you want to be professional with what you present.”

But it goes beyond that, he wanted a way to make interactive presentations that bind together all the supporting collateral he was using in his prospecting, like videos and case studies which static PDFs couldn’t include.

“It's something that you would imagine you could do with a PowerPoint, but it's just not the same as what you get with Storydoc”


Peter, together with his sales team at NICE, started sending out storydocs in their prospecting campaigns, and even sharing them with existing clients.

Then, in a matter of weeks, more and more of his sales colleagues moved to using Storydoc.

Peter explains that it caught on so well because “as opposed to being just like everybody else, Storydoc creates something different. There’s less friction in the relationship and it gives you more opportunity to continue the conversation.”

Any sales executive can quickly recognize the advantage in that…

So when Peter moved to ScaleHub he knew Storydoc would not just bring results but also would be quickly accepted and used by his new team.

Peter didn’t want to waste time making a new presentation for each prospect

We all know the impact of personalizing decks to prospects and tailoring the content to their specific industry and circumstances. But if you’ve ever tried to do this at scale you know, same as Peter, it’s hard work.

You don't have tons of time to create something new every time. But you just have to”. Peter recognizes the harsh reality of prospecting. We all know how salespeople lose hours of precious time every week personalizing the same things over and over again.

Now, pushing ScaleHub’s solution to the market for the first time, Peter needed an easy way to send impressive and professional information to his own network, quickly.

But this became mission-critical when he started adding more and more sales reps to his team.

“We have grown our sales and marketing team globally and we get our messaging out quickly via LinkedIn and emails”.


Thankfully, instead of having to spend time creating a custom deck every time they reach out, Peter and his team now use Storydoc to personalize a deck for each lead with a single click.

It's reassuring for me to know that I don't have to go and build something new every time. Then I can send it out and watch what prospects do.”

Peter’s team member, Dave, agrees: “Every presentation we do is for a different customer and we always are adjusting them. For example, if you have to do a custom vertical like insurance or medical… with Storydoc you don’t need separate decks for that.”

Creating impressive professional presentations fast and easy

In theory, Peter could create his collateral with PowerPoint. But he says “Creating something fancy like that in PowerPoint would have taken forever. And with Storydoc it's all just there within the platform.

As Peter points out, the beauty is that instead of sending a deck, a video, or things like brochures or a case study as separate collateral, his team uses Storydoc to wrap all of these into a single deck.

Dave also pointed out the animation features and the fact that Storydoc is great for use in social media while still being corporate looking. And concluded: “I think there's a lot of opportunities to be artful with it”

Static PDF or PPT
Interactive Storydoc

Making shorter decks while keeping the message intact

Dave Bennett, Vice President of Strategic Accounts at ScaleHub, was dealing with the common problem of having a 35-slide PowerPoint presentation that no prospect in their right mind would read.

The main problem was, as Peter puts it, “How do you summarize it and not overdo it or underdo it?”

But using Storydoc’s pre-designed storytelling slides, Dave and Peter could say everything they needed with fewer slides without having to work hard.

Dave summarizes it this way - “with Storydoc you can make an exact message someone would watch for 3 minutes and really take away the key information.”

It’s possible thanks to handy options like:

  • check_circle_outline

    Hiding additional information while keeping it available on demand by tucking into accordions

  • check_circle_outline

    Segmenting the sales decks for multiple decision-makers using tabs

  • check_circle_outline

    Merging a complicated set of slides into just one using specialized Stroydoc slides like the timeline slide, roadmap slide, narrator slide, and others

But the move from PowerPoint to Storydoc did more than just create cool content. Peter notes that with Storydoc “I was able to initiate more conversations. Storydoc enabled conversations to move forward with less friction.

It just made it simple for prospects to look at it. Like Dave said, you've got a short amount of time to get their attention.”

One way Dave used Storydoc to get more out of prospects’ limited attention was to embed a Storydoc link in LinkedIn connection requests.”

“I thought it was a good way to add some content, cause that was always a challenge”. After all, we all know how hard it is to stack up enough context with so few words, with Linkedin’s connection request character limit.

Peter needed to know how prospects used his decks

Storydoc decks have out-of-the-box analytics. This comes in handy if you want to know how your content is being received. This can give you a serious edge since based on this knowledge you can make data-driven decisions that improve your chances of scoring the deal.

This highly-useful feature of Storydoc did not go unnoticed by Peter.

Of course, there’s the tracking aspects of Storydoc that lets you see who looked at what, how long they looked at it, how much time did they spend on the deck, did they read the whole document? Those types of features are critical when prospecting.“

Let’s take for example “that there's a video embedded that's really cool that they can look at. If I know they look at that video, I'm good.”

report analytics

Dave adds that “we get an even greater benefit from Storydoc because you can see when prospects pass it around”.

This is a super important point. Because knowing when and where your decks are being shared gives you visibility into how your offer is being evaluated within your prospect’s organization.

For example, let’s say you know that the deal's main decision-maker sits in their company’s HQ in Seattle. And you see in your Storydoc analytics that your champion shared the Storydoc with someone over there.

Based on this insight you can assume that it reached a key decision stage and you can time your follow-up to soon after.

If you’re like Peter and Dave here's how to get similar results

  • Transform your stale PDFs and PowerPoints into impressive and effective sales collateral

  • Remove friction from your prospecting and get more conversations going

  • Produce collateral and collaborate faster and easier than ever

  • Personalize your sales collateral at scale and save cuntless horse every week

  • Get instant sales deck analytics with timely insight into the buyer’s decision process

With these capabilities on your side, you’ll be able to make better decisions, save valuable time, and win more deals.

Think we can help you?

Wanna try making a deck on your own? Grab a template.

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Remove friction from your prospecting

Try Storydoc interactive presentation maker for 14 days free (keep any presentation you make forever!)