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White Papers in B2B Marketing: Uses, Types, Tips, Templates

Learn what is white paper in marketing, sales, business, and research, what a white paper looks like, and what makes a good white paper for lead generation.

Hadar Peretz

8 minute read

What is a white paper in business, marketing, and research
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Short answer

What is a white paper in business & marketing?

A white paper in marketing and business is a comprehensive, authoritative report that combines in-depth research with persuasive content. Its purpose is to educate prospective clients and influencers about a specific aspect of a product or service, showcase expertise, guide decision-making, and ultimately lead to a purchase.

White papers are the heaviest weapon in marketing, but it takes great skill to wield

White papers are powerful tools you have in digital marketing. It can educate, persuade, and establish authority within the ranks of the hardest-to-reach decision-makers.

Whether you're a business looking to craft a compelling white paper or a professional seeking insights, understanding their nuances, challenges, and future trends is crucial.

The key to a successful white paper lies in its content, design, distribution, and strategy.

This post with cover all that. It’s your introduction to the complicated yet highly effective world of white papers in business, including digital marketing, sales, and customer nurturing.

What does a white paper look like?

White papers traditionally look like long-form PDFs with accompanying images, charts, graphs, and infographics. But this legacy format is now being replaced with interactive web-based content with videos, animations, live data, surveys, calculators, and more.

This transition makes white papers more engaging and share-worthy, which yields more leads and expands reach.

Here’s what a modern interactive marketing white paper looks like:

Why are white papers called that way?

The term "white paper" has its roots in British government policy papers, which were known for their white covers. These documents were used to present government policies and invite public feedback.

White papers made their transition to business use as businesses recognized the power of detailed, authoritative documents in influencing decisions.

What is the purpose of white papers?

The purpose of a white paper in business and marketing is to provide in-depth knowledge on important industry topics, establish authority, influence decision-making, and generate leads by addressing industry challenges and presenting solutions in a persuasive manner.

Lead generation for complicated B2B solutions

White papers are often gated content, meaning readers provide their contact details to access them. This not only helps in lead generation but ensures that the leads are genuinely interested in your offerings.

Thought leadership

Publishing in-depth white papers on industry trends, challenges, and innovations positions your company as a thought leader. It shows that you're not just a player in the industry but a knowledgeable and trusted resource.

Sales enablement

Sales teams can use white papers to address potential clients' concerns, showcase the product's benefits, and provide tangible evidence of its effectiveness through case studies.

Challenges of writing effective white papers

While white papers are powerful tools, they're not without challenges.

Creating an impactful white paper requires deep knowledge of the subject, strategic distribution, and exceptional writing skills. This can be daunting, especially for businesses without a dedicated content team. If you're struggling with these complexities, consider seeking help with marketing assignment to ensure your white paper effectively reaches and influences your target audience.

Let's discuss some common criticisms and how to navigate them.

  1. Issue of over-saturation: With so many businesses publishing white papers, there's a risk of over-saturation. How do you ensure yours stands out? By focusing on unique insights, actionable content, and a compelling design.

  2. Addressing quality concerns: Not all white papers offer value. Some might be thinly veiled sales pitches. Ensuring your white paper provides genuine insights and is backed by credible sources can address this concern.

  3. Navigating potential biases: Being a company document, white papers might be perceived as biased. While it's natural to highlight your product, it's crucial to maintain a balanced perspective, discussing its potential limitations and how they're addressed.

  4. Competing over visibility on search engines: Just like your website and blog posts, white papers can need to be optimized for search engines or they will never be found organically. Including relevant keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, and ensuring mobile-friendliness can boost its visibility. Consider using a backlinks service that can help both with your website and white papers.

Types of white papers

White papers stand out as authoritative and detailed sources of information with a unique ability to educate stakeholders, decision-makers, and influencers.

But the type of white paper matters. Your white paper report has to be gauged to the needs and the level of understanding of the audience you want to influence.

Furthermore, the type and content of the white paper should align with the goal you aim to achieve.

Let’s break it down and see what white papers actually look like.

1) Technical white papers

These are detailed guides on critical industry topics made for the tech-savvy audience.

If a company develops a new AI algorithm, a technical white paper would delve into its coding, functionality, and integration capabilities.

For instance, when Google introduced its new cloud security measures for G Suite they released their Encryption in Transit in Google Cloud white paper. The purpose was to showcase their new technology and pull clients to Google away from competitors like AWS.

  • Includes: Detailed explanations of technology, methodologies, and product mechanisms.

  • Goal: To educate a technically savvy audience about the intricacies of a product or innovation.

  • Target Audience: Engineers, IT professionals, and technical decision-makers.

2) Business benefits white papers

These focus on the advantages a product or service offers to businesses. For example, a company offering cloud solutions might publish a white paper detailing how their service can lead to cost savings, increased efficiency, and scalability for businesses.

  • Includes: Highlights of the advantages and benefits of a product, service, or methodology.

  • Goal: To showcase the value proposition and ROI of a solution.

  • Target Audience: Business executives, potential clients, and non-technical decision-makers.

3) Thought leadership white papers

Some businesses use white papers to educate potential clients about a solution, helping them make informed decisions.

For example, a cybersecurity firm might publish a white paper on the latest threats, educating businesses on the risks and offering their solution as a remedy.

  • Includes: Forward-thinking insights, predictions, and expert opinions on industry trends.

  • Goal: To position a company or individual as a thought leader or industry expert.

  • Target Audience: Industry peers, potential clients, media, and the general public interested in the topic.

4) Problem presentation and solution proposal

These white papers often start by highlighting a prevalent issue in the industry, and then proceed with describing a uniquely effective solution offered by the company writing the paper.

For instance, a white paper on sustainable energy might begin by discussing the environmental impacts of fossil fuels. It then transitions into presenting a solution, such as a new biomass technology, detailing its benefits and implementation.

Includes: Specific challenge or issue and a proposed solution or set of solutions.

Goal: To inform and persuade about the best course of action.

Target audience: Decision-makers, executives, managers, and professionals seeking industry-specific solutions.

5) Hybrid white papers

A hybrid white paper is a comprehensive document blending technical details with business benefits, catering to both technical experts and business decision-makers.

  • Includes: A combination of technical details and business benefits.

  • Goal: To provide a comprehensive view of a solution, catering to both technical and business audiences.

  • Target Audience: A broad spectrum, from technical experts to business leaders.

6) Research white papers

A research white paper is an in-depth presentation of original research, findings, and data, offering new insights or empirical evidence on specific topics.

  • Includes: Presentation of original research, findings, and data on a specific topic.

  • Goal: To share new insights, and discoveries, or validate a solution with empirical evidence.

  • Target Audience: Academics, industry researchers, and businesses interested in the research topic.

7) Policy white papers

A policy white paper is a discussion of industry standards and regulations, aiming to influence policy, guide standardization, or advocate best practices.

  • Includes: Discussions on industry standards, regulations, and best practices.

  • Goal: To influence policy, guide standardization, or advocate for best practices.

  • Target Audience: Industry regulators, policymakers, industry leaders.

7 critical components of effective white papers

Crafting a white paper isn't just about compiling information. It's about presenting it in a structured, engaging, and persuasive manner.

Let's look at the essential components that can make or break your white paper.

What to include in a white paper

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    Compelling title:

    The title is the first thing readers see. It should be intriguing enough to pique their interest.

    For instance, instead of "Our New Software Features," a title like "Revolutionizing Workflows: Unveiling Our Game-Changing Software Features" is more captivating.

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    Enticing abstract or summary:

    Before diving deep, give readers a snapshot of what to expect. This section should be concise, highlighting the main points and the benefits of reading further.

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    Introduction and problem statement:

    Start by addressing a prevalent issue in the industry. This not only grabs attention but also establishes relevance. For instance, a white paper on remote work solutions might begin by discussing the challenges businesses faced during the pandemic.

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    Detailed solution presentation:

    After highlighting the problem, present your solution in detail. This shouldn't just be about your product but how it addresses the stated issue. Using real-world examples can make this section more compelling.

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    Incorporating case studies:

    Nothing builds trust like proven results. Include case studies where your solution has made a tangible difference. This not only adds credibility but also gives readers a practical perspective.

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    Concluding takeaways and next steps:

    Summarize the key points and guide readers on the next steps. Whether it's contacting your sales team, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a product demo, make sure the CTA is clear and compelling.

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    Trustworthy references:

    Cite your sources. This not only adds credibility but also shows that your content is based on factual information.

White paper design and format

While content is king, design is the throne it sits on. A well-designed white paper can enhance readability, comprehension, and engagement.

Let's delve into the aesthetics of white paper creation.

1) Graphics and charts

Visual aids can simplify complex data, making it easier for readers to grasp. For instance, if discussing market trends, a well-designed chart can convey the information more effectively than paragraphs of text.

2) Layout and design

A cluttered layout can deter readers. Use a clean design, with ample white space, consistent fonts, and a logical flow. Remember, the design should enhance the content, not overshadow it.

3) Interactive white papers

Interactive white papers are shown to be more, engaging, more memorable, and better understood than traditional static PDFs.

Incorporating clickable elements, videos, and interactive graphs can enhance user engagement.

Companies like Cisco have experimented with interactive white papers, resulting in increased user dwell time and improved lead generation.

Here’s a comparison of static vs interactive white papers. Which would your readers prefer?

Static PPT example
Static PPT
Interactive Storydoc example
Interactive Storydoc

4) Ideal length

While white papers are detailed, they shouldn't be unnecessarily lengthy. Aim for comprehensiveness without being verbose. Depending on the topic, anywhere between 5 to 20 pages will be most effective.

But the rule of thumb is to strive for the shortest document possible without eroding the core information your audience needs to make an informed decision.

What makes a good white paper?

Below is our list of white paper best practices which, if applied, will bring you outstanding results.

This advice is easier said than done. White papers are a complicated and expensive marketing asset to produce. But we believe it’s worth it, and believe you can do it.

White paper best practices

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    Historical context can add depth to your white paper: If discussing a longstanding industry issue, referencing older white papers can showcase its evolution.

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    Always ensure your white paper adds value: It shouldn't just be a lengthy sales pitch but should offer genuine insights and solutions.

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    Always focus on the reader's perspective: What are their pain points? How can your solution alleviate them?

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    Always keep the reader's journey in mind: The flow should be logical, taking them from recognizing a problem to seeing the value in your solution.

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    Align the type of white paper with your target audience: A technical white paper filled with jargon won't resonate with a non-technical audience.

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    Consider your brand identity: The design should resonate with your company's colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic.

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    If opting for interactive elements, ensure they're mobile-friendly: A significant portion of your audience might access the white paper via mobile devices.

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    Seek external feedback: Before publishing, get feedback from industry experts outside your company. This can provide a fresh perspective and highlight potential biases.

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    Use real-world examples to bolster your points: For instance, if discussing the benefits of sustainable energy, cite studies showing its positive impact on communities.

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    Use visuals to reduce textual load: Infographics, charts, and images can break the monotony and make the content more digestible.

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    Promote your white papers across various channels: Leverage anything from email campaigns to social media, to maximize their reach.

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    Regularly update your white papers to reflect the latest trends: Ensure your reports remain relevant and valuable.

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    Help your readers focus on key information: Always accompany your white paper with a compelling description, highlighting its key takeaways.

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    Promote your white papers across various channels: Leverage anything from email campaigns to social media, to maximize their reach.

Best channels for distributing a white paper

Creating a stellar white paper is just half the battle. The next step is ensuring it reaches your target audience. Let's explore the most effective distribution channels.

1) Company websites: Your company's website is the first place potential clients visit. Hosting white papers here, especially in a dedicated resources section, ensures they're easy.

2) Email campaigns: Email remains one of the most effective marketing tools. Sending targeted email campaigns with your white paper as the main content can drive significant engagement.

3) Sales deck and marketing one-pagers: White papers are used to build trust and authority in various stages of the sales process. They can be added as an effective next step in early-stage decks like your sales pitch deck and product one-pager.

4) Social media platforms: Platforms like LinkedIn, known for professional networking, can be ideal for sharing white papers. A catchy post with a compelling snippet from the white paper can drive clicks and downloads.

5) Distribution at industry events: Conferences, seminars, and trade shows are where industry professionals gather. Distributing physical copies or providing download links during presentations can boost your white paper's reach.

How to measure white paper performance

To make a truly effective business white paper you must monitor its performance. To do this you can’t keep relying on PDFs which offer no visibility into your reader’s engagement beyond the initial download.

PDFs are a legacy of paper handouts. They are not fit for modern content experiences and are unable to provide even the most basic information for making data-driven decisions.

  1. Monitor the performance of each distribution channel to understand where you're getting maximum engagement and optimize accordingly.

  2. If you have website versions of your white papers use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your white paper's performance.

  3. If create web-based interactive white papers with Storydoc, you can rely on Storydoc’s built-in analytics suite to get granular information about who read your white paper, which parts they lingered on and which they skipped, how long they read it, how far they scrolled, who they shared it with, and more.

Storydoc analytics pa

AI white paper content and design generation

Artificial Intelligence isn't just for sci-fi movies. It's making inroads into content creation too. AI tools can assist in gathering data, analyzing trends, and even drafting sections of white papers.

For instance, companies like Storydoc are pioneering AI-driven white paper report design and content generation. These are revolutionizing how white papers are crafted, reducing production time and cost, and improving content experience.

Automating white paper personalization at scale

One size doesn't fit all. Some white-paper designers already let you tailor each document to individual readers, focusing on their specific interests and preferences.

Imagine sending a white paper that adjusts its content based on your prospect’s professional background, interests, and past interactions with the company.

Well, you can do just that by integrating your CRM with Stroydoc, letting you automatically pull each contact’s information and details into the individual white paper you send them.

You can do with at scale, limited only by the number of contacts and the information you hold in your CRM.

Storydoc analytics pa

White paper templates that take you from static to interactive

With the business world being so stuffed with the same old lengthy and tedious white papers, its high time to do something different.

Instead of aiming for industry standards, do what the industry leader you claim to be would do - create cutting-edge interactive white papers that provide content experiences worth sharing.

The white paper templates below help you do away with the legacy boring PDFs your competition uses and steal away their attention with interactive storytelling content and design.

Grab one!

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Hadar Peretz

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talkig to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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