10 Types of Sales Videos That Help Win Deals

Learn what are the best types of sales videos to win over your audience, keep your prospects engaged, and make a compelling case for your service or product.

Dominika Krukowska

10 minute read

Types of Sales Videos

Short answer

What are the main types of sales videos

  1. 80% video
  2. Company's story video
  3. Team intro video
  4. Personal bio videos
  5. Questions and answers videos
  6. Social proof videos
  7. Whiteboard animation video
  8. Infographic videos
  9. Product or service demo videos
  10. Top-of-mind videos

Video is an excellent way to create an emotional connection with your audience. You can connect by telling personal stories, providing expert knowledge, and expressing the values you share with your prospects.

It is indisputable that sales videos are a critical part of any business's marketing strategy.

Videos can be a powerful tool in your sales arsenal, as they allow you to showcase your product or service in an informative and engaging way. It takes time to get it right, but if you start making videos, you’ll get there.

10 types of sales videos that bring you leads while you do something else

I’ll walk you through the 10 main video types and explain the benefits of each, so you can get started on your enhanced sales presentation right away!

1) 80% video

An 80% video is a video that answers 80% of the most common questions prospects ask every single discovery sales call. By creating this type of video you get to have a sales rep that bever sleeps, which ends up saving you or your reps loads of time that would have gone to personally answer these questions.

This type of video relies on the reality of sales work, where 75-80% of the questions sales teams are asked on the first touchpoint are the same. More often than naught, these questions come from people that aren’t ready to buy from you just yet anyway.

By creating an 80% video, you can shorten your sales cycle, and most importantly build a relationship with your prospect that is based on trust. This way, during your sales calls you can focus on higher-level questions that are more specific and relevant to your prospect.

80% sales video example:

80 percent sales video type example

The concept of an 80% video was coined by Marcus Sheridan, an international keynote speaker and consultant specializing in digital sales and marketing.

He compiled his years of experience to create a book named The Visual Sale, in which he teaches people how to leverage the power of video to drive sales and grow their business.

You can dig deeper into How to Make an Amazing 80% Video in this article on Marcus’ own company website.

2) Company story video

A company story video is in broad terms a video that tells a story that showcases your core company values. This type of sales video is meant to instill within your audience an emotional connection to your company and what it represents.

This type of sales video oftentimes leads to increased sales, as people are more likely to do business with someone they feel understands their challenges and needs.

It’s important to make it ever-so-slightly clear in your company video what it is you actually do. Make sure to portray it as the main channel by which you fulfill your values.

Fact is, your company's story is one of the most critical elements of your sales presentation. Steve Jobs built Apple on the story of “Think different” (not the most valued company on earth).

Behind every successful company, there’s a captivating story that sets you apart from your competitors. It tells potential customers why they should do business with you.

Video is the perfect medium for telling your company's story in an engaging way. For example, enterprise AI video can truly help streamline your company story and connect different tools you may be selling. Some of your prospects are currently experiencing the same struggles that drove you to create a solution for them. Presenting this journey in a video format will make you relatable and trustworthy.

Here’s a video with stunning visuals that reflect the company’s line of business and does an amazing job of presenting its history.

Company story sales video example by LDC, a Food Processing conglomerate (if they can get me emotional about their company, so can you):

Company story sales video example

3) Team intro video

A team sales video is meant to introduce your team to potential clients. It allows people to see the faces behind the business. It helps to humanize your business.

You could create a short clip giving viewers a quick overview of who your team is and what they do. Or, you could produce a more in-depth video elaborating on each team member's role in the company.

You can use an “About the team” sales video for showcasing your team's skills and personality. By showing what makes your team members qualified to drive clients to success, you’re building trust and increasing the chances of conversion.

Here’s an example of a great team intro video by Google's Doodle team:

Team intro sales video example

4) Personal bio video

Personal bio sales videos are a great way to humanize you or your sales force. This type of sales video should be done for every customer-facing member of your team.

A personal bio video should casually tell the viewer 3 things:

  1. What the person does in the company
  2. Why they chose that profession
  3. What they do when they're not at work

It’s best practice to present the answers to these questions using a story framework anchored in a specific time, or during a specific event. Like a day in a life or doing an iconic action typical to their job.

What this type of sales video achieves is to set the stage for prospects to feel a personal connection with the person in the video and see them in a broader context beyond what they’re selling.

These videos serve to shift the communication with prospects from transactional (impersonal) communication to empathic (personal) communication. This leads to more effective prospecting and more deals won.

For team members doing prospecting, like SDRs, BDRs, AEs, or even Product marketing managers, it makes sense to add the video to their email signature so that it’s readily available for prospects to engage with directly from their email.

Example of personal bio sales video:

Company story sales video example

5) Questions and answers video

A Q&A sales video is used to drill down into specific questions that arise around your product or companies around a narrow topic. It’s similar to the 80% video in that it answers some of the questions prospects may have without having to go through scheduling a demo call.

The difference between 80% videos and Q&A sales videos is that the latter is meant to cover more granular questions around a specific issue or use case.

If you structure this type of sales video into a list of “tips” or “things to avoid” you can get traction on YouTube and position yourself as a thought leader that knows your industry and solution inside and out.

Clients often don’t have time to weed through numerous resources or read lengthy help articles. So having all the answers in one fluent video will leave them satisfied and grateful for making the knowledge they sought more accessible. You can even live stream such videos using an advanced HLS video player to enhance the viewing experience.

Questions and answers sales video example:

Questions and answers sales video type example

6) Social proof video

Social proof videos are any video that lets your happy customers speak your praise.

The best way to do social proof videos is to use testimonials from happy customers. or example, if you're using Wordpress for your website, you can easily add testimonials in Wordpress using various plugins or widgets. These testimonials could then become a part of your social proof videos. The viewers will not only hear real experiences in the video, but they can also find the same in written format on your website, bridging a multi-platform approach to your sales strategy.

A social proof video can also be an enactment of your product or service in action that shows “a customer” and proves your commitment to providing the best possible service. Though this requires a significant budget.

Showing social proof is critical if you need to make a sale to a new or skeptical customer.

Too many companies focus on presenting how great their solution is, when they should be presenting their customers’ journey and how their solution helped solve their problem. This way, your new customers will be able to relate to these stories and perceive you as their ideal solution provider!

And the best part is that you can get past customers to cover your sales points in their own words, so they will basically be doing the selling for you!

Here’s an example of a well-executed social proof video by Spot, a beloved client of ours:

example of social proof sales video

7) Whiteboard animation video

Whiteboard animation video uses simple drawings and animations to illustrate a point. They are often used to explain how a product or service works. To make your video even more engaging, consider adding royalty-free music from platforms like Videvo as background music to your animation video.

Whiteboard animation videos help simplify complex ideas. As a result, they help in boosting sales.

You need to bear in mind that prospective clients don’t have the same level of knowledge about the industry you do. And the fact about humans is that things we don’t understand make us feel uncomfortable, killing your chances of closing the deal.

That’s why, for example, the target group for iPhone adverts is young, tech-savvy individuals.

Your whiteboard animation video could look something like this example:

Whiteboard animation sales video example

8) Infographic sales video

Infographic videos are a great way to present a lot of information in an easily digestible way. Businesses can use this type of sales video to explain the benefits of a product or service or even how it works in a high-impact format.

Infographic videos increase sales because they make complex concepts much easier to understand, making your audience more likely to relate to your message. Viewers are also often trying to predict what comes next, which leads them to engage with your content on a deeper level.

When done correctly, they combine two crucial benefits for your company: they provide value to your prospects while connecting with them on a human level. Achieving both on one touchpoint is the key to success.

Here’s an example of an infographic video:

example of inf

9) Product or service demo

Hands up if you’ve ever read a technical manual from start to finish to find out how your new purchase works. Most of us can grasp information through trial and error, but we do it much faster and easier by example. So what not show people how to use your product or service?

The best way to remove any confusion customers may have about a product or service is with a demo or tutorial videos. Even if they’re not a paying customer yet, a compelling product video might get them to submit a demo request form or convert.

Let’s take an example of an iPhone. A new video feature that allows you to shoot in 4K with an extended dynamic range might not mean much to you. But, seeing it in action may be what pushes you to make an upgrade.

Here’s an example of an informative product demo by Diego, our very own SDR:


Another sub-type of product or service demo is a portfolio video.

A portfolio video is a great way to get hot prospects to get to know your portfolio. This can be anything from real estate properties to a SaaS demo. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million.

You may be presenting your portfolio using a pitch deck, a PDF, or a brochure. If you are you can take this document and showcase the same content with similar messaging with a sales rep presenting screen grabs (if you're not here's how to create an engaging web-based portfolio).

Using this type of sales video demonstrates your solution’s value and gets potential customers interested in what you have to offer. You can also try a slideshow maker available for this purpose.

10) Top-of-mind video

You never know where your next hot lead will come from. So it would be best if you stayed at the top of their minds when they are ready to buy.

Sending follow-up videos is a great way to stay in touch and keep your company top-of-mind. The best mediums to push out these types of videos on a regular basis are newsletters and social media. You can use a social media content calendar to plan, create, and schedule your follow-up videos for maximum impact.

It also proves that you value them on a human level. It shows them your interest in continuing the relationship even after the sale. If you establish a personal relationship with your clients, next time they’re looking for other industry solutions, you’ll be the first they go to.

Here’s an example of a top-of-mind video created for the WiseStamp email signature generator:

example of a top-of-mind sales video

Takeaways and some closing tips

The key to success is finding the right type of sales video for your organization. The most effective way to establish what works and what doesn’t is by experimenting with and mixing different types of video content. I can assure you that you’ll see an instant increase in your close rate!

Video keeps your audience engaged

As people’s attention is easily distracted, the best way to keep your audience engaged is by using video in sales presentations. If you rely on text-heavy slides, it's easy for people to tune out or become bored.

Mixing in some engaging or personalized video content will keep people hooked throughout your presentation. Video could be the answer if you're looking for a way to take your sales presentations up a notch. It's an effective way to build trust, credibility, and engagement with your audience.

So if you're ready to take your sales skills to the next level, incorporate video into your repertoire.

Use video to make complex concepts easier to understand

Sales teams look for new and innovative ways to increase their close rate, for instance, using sales pipeline softwares. This often means finding new ways to explain complex concepts to potential customers.

A video is a great tool any company can use to make concepts easier to understand and, as a result, increase sales. You can create videos with a single click using a video editor.

5 ways businesses can use video to help explain complex concepts and boost sales:

  1. Use the art of storytelling to guide your audience through a powerful narrative instead of relying on technical graphs and hard data.
  2. Create video series to avoid overloading prospects with information. In each bite-sized video, focus on a different aspect of your solution.
  3. Include interactive elements in your videos to turn passive viewers into an active, hyper-focused audience.
  4. Feature industry experts to establish credibility with your audience.
  5. Focus on the visuals—don’t make your audience read all the information off the screen.
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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