How to Write Product Proposals That Land Deals (+Examples)

Learn how to write product proposals with our expert tips. Discover inspiring product proposal examples and use templates to create your best deck yet.

Product proposal examples

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Short answer

What is a product proposal?

A product proposal is a document that outlines the concept, benefits, and roadmap of a new product. It's designed to persuade stakeholders or investors by showcasing the product's potential and how it addresses specific user needs or bridges market gaps.

Why do most product proposals fail?

Your product proposal is competing for attention against an army of competitors. For a busy decision-maker, 99% of proposals look alike.

Most product proposals fail because they fail to stand out. What are you doing to be that 1% that makes it in the door?

Stick around, and I’ll teach you how to write a product proposal that opens doors.

You’ll also get concrete examples and templates of product proposals that worked well for others like you.

Let’s dive in!

What should be included in a product proposal?

Creating a product proposal presentation is like painting a picture of your product's future – it needs to be vivid, compelling, and memorable.

Here's a list of essential elements to include, ensuring your proposal captures attention and convinces readers to buy into your vision.

11 elements of a product proposal:

  1. Engaging introduction: Begin with a headline that grabs attention and succinctly presents your product idea.

  2. Product overview: Provide a concise yet thorough summary of your product, highlighting its unique aspects.

  3. Target market analysis: Clearly define and describe the intended market for your product, emphasizing its relevance to this group.

  4. Consumer advantages: Clearly list the key benefits your product offers to its users and the problem it solves.

  5. Market comparison: Analyze similar products in the market, showcasing how your product differentiates and excels in relation to trending products, highlighting market demand and relevancy.

  6. Development roadmap: Outline the key stages in your product's development, including current progress and future goals.

  7. Team: Introduce yourself, highlighting your background and experiences that add credibility to the product's success.

  8. Promotional strategies: Detail your plans for marketing and promoting your product.

  9. Pricing strategy: Discuss your product's pricing model, explaining how it aligns with market expectations and product value.

  10. Financial projections: Provide calculated estimates of potential earnings, costs, and overall financial growth expectations.

  11. Next step: End with a clear call to action, guiding readers on what to do next.

What is the best product proposal format?

When it comes to product proposals, format is key. The most popular product proposal formats include traditional documents and PowerPoint presentations.

Documents are great for detailed, text-heavy content, allowing for in-depth explanations and comprehensive data presentation.

PowerPoint presentations, on the other hand, are excellent for visually driven pitches, making them ideal for capturing attention with graphics and concise points.

Interactive decks combine the best of both worlds – the detail of documents and the visual appeal of presentations.

They stand out for their dynamic nature, allowing viewers to engage with the content through clickable elements, embedded videos, and interactive data visualizations.

It's a format that not only tells but shows the potential of your product, making it a powerful tool in any salesperson's arsenal.

You can see what an interactive product proposal looks like below:

Product proposal examples that sell your idea

Exploring product proposal examples is a great way to understand what leads to success.

In this section, we showcase a variety of proposals that have effectively achieved their goals, whether it’s securing investment, impressing stakeholders, or launching a product with a bang.

We'll break down what makes each example stand out. You'll see how clear communication, creative presentation, and a solid understanding of the audience and market come together to create a persuasive and impactful product proposal.

Product marketing proposal

This product marketing proposal outlines a strategic approach to boost business efficiency and growth, leveraging tailored consulting solutions to overcome common industry challenges.

What makes this product proposal example great:

  • Strategic insights and custom solutions: It offers actionable strategies and custom solutions tailored to specific business challenges, demonstrating a deep understanding of dynamic market needs.

  • Quantifiable success metrics: The proposal highlights proven impacts, such as revenue growth, market expansion, and client satisfaction rates, providing tangible evidence of its effectiveness.

  • Engaging and interactive presentation: Utilizing an interactive format, the proposal engages readers with a compelling narrative and easy-to-navigate sections, enhancing the overall user experience.

Product supply proposal

This product supply proposal shows how a well-structured presentation, combined with a clear value proposition and user-friendly design elements, can effectively communicate the benefits of a product, encouraging potential clients to take the next step.

What makes this product proposal example great:

  • Clear value proposition: The proposal effectively communicates a clear value proposition, emphasizing how the presented solutions address inefficiencies in IT systems.

  • Narrated design: It employs a narrated design approach in the key features section, making it easy for readers to understand the benefits of the offered solutions.

  • Embedded calendar for easy scheduling: Embedding your calendar in the deck simplifies the process for potential clients to schedule a meeting or demo, enhancing user engagement and facilitating immediate action.

Private label product proposal

This proposal effectively utilizes multimedia elements and customization options to enhance engagement and provide comprehensive insights into the product's value proposition.

What makes this product proposal example great:

  • Video on the cover: Incorporating a video on the cover page immediately engages viewers, providing a dynamic introduction to the product and setting the tone for the proposal.

  • Option to embed external links: The proposal includes the ability to embed a link to a detailed case study, offering potential clients a deeper insight into the product's impact and success stories.

  • Easy personalization: It offers the flexibility to easily create personalized versions of the deck in just a few clicks, allowing for a tailored presentation that can address the specific needs and interests of different clients.

Product distribution proposal

This product distribution proposal is designed to efficiently outline a strategic approach for expanding market reach through various distribution channels, leveraging digital tools for customization and adaptability.

What makes this product distribution proposal example great:

  • Easily customizable logo placeholders: The proposal includes easily customizable logo placeholders, allowing for quick branding personalization that aligns with the distributor or partner's corporate identity.

  • Option to edit details after sending the deck: It offers the flexibility to edit details even after the deck has been sent, ensuring that the information remains up-to-date and can be adjusted based on ongoing discussions or feedback.

  • Option to segment content in tabs: You can segment the content in tabs, making the proposal easy to navigate and allowing readers to quickly access the information most relevant to them.

Product development proposal

This product development proposal is crafted to showcase a strategic approach for creating innovative solutions, utilizing a dynamic and interactive presentation format that emphasizes key information and engages stakeholders.

What makes this product development proposal example great:

  • Use of grayed-out content: The proposal smartly uses grayed-out content to subtly guide the reader's attention towards the most critical information, ensuring focus on key points and decisions.

  • Various image and video placeholders: It is equipped with a variety of image and video placeholders, allowing for a rich, multimedia presentation of the product concept, features, and potential impact, making the proposal more engaging.

  • Option to add an accept button: Including an 'Accept' button streamlines the decision-making process and facilitates quicker progression to the next stages of development.

Software product proposal

This product proposal is designed to present a software solution that combines the charm of retro gaming with modern technology. This deck is ideal for showcasing software products that appeal to both nostalgia and contemporary user needs.

What makes this product proposal great:

  • Captivating introduction: The deck starts with a compelling introduction that sets the stage for the software's unique features and potential impact.

  • Mission and vision communication: The proposal articulates a mission that focuses on reconnecting generations through the shared joy of gaming, adding depth to the product's purpose.

  • Interactive elements for user experience: It incorporates interactive elements like demos or virtual tours, enhancing user engagement and understanding.

Physical product proposal

This physical proposal deck is specifically designed for introducing a tangible product, in this case, high-end headphones. It combines technical details with a focus on user experience, making it ideal for a product that blends technology with lifestyle.

What makes this product proposal great:

  • Engaging product storytelling: The proposal opens with a compelling narrative about the product, focusing on its unique features and user benefits.

  • Strategic market positioning: It features a market analysis section, focusing on positioning the product in a competitive landscape.

  • Target audience identification: It includes a section for defining the target audience, focusing on demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors.

Product business proposal

This proposal is a specialized presentation designed to effectively communicate a product's strategic plan and development journey. It's crafted to be both informative and engaging, with features that enhance the presentation and understanding of the product strategy.

What makes this product proposal great:

  • Interactive timeline: It features an interactive timeline that allows viewers to explore the key value propositions.

  • Built-in analytics panel: The deck features a built-in analytics panel that tracks its performance. This tool provides valuable insights into viewer engagement, helping to measure the effectiveness of the proposal and make data-driven improvements.

  • Smart CTA with an embedded calendar: The proposal includes a smart call-to-action feature with an embedded calendar, enabling readers to easily schedule a meeting or consultation directly from the proposal.

How to write a product proposal?

Crafting a product proposal is like telling a compelling story where your product is the protagonist. It's not just about listing features; it's about weaving a narrative that captivates, convinces, and converts. Here’s how you can do it in a few simple steps.

7 steps to write a product proposal:

1) Understand your audience

Know who you're speaking to. Whether it's investors, stakeholders, or potential customers, understanding their needs and expectations is crucial. Tailor your product proposal to address their specific interests and concerns.

2) Define your product’s unique value

What makes your product unique? Focus on the features that set your product apart from the competition. Explain how it solves a problem or fulfills a need better than anything else out there.

3) Structure your proposal effectively

Start with an engaging introduction that piques interest, such as a surprising statistic or a relatable anecdote.

Then, detail your product with a focus on benefits, not just features. Conclude with a call to action that's clear and compelling, like inviting stakeholders to a demo. Make sure every section flows logically into the next.

4) Use persuasive language

Your choice of words can make a big difference. Use persuasive language that evokes emotion and creates a sense of urgency. However, avoid over-exaggeration; stay credible and authentic.

For example, instead of saying, "Our product increases productivity," say, "Imagine reclaiming 10 hours a week with our productivity tool." This approach makes the benefit tangible and personal.

If you want to learn more, check out our guide on how to make a persuasive presentation.

5) Provide concrete data and research

Support your proposal with market research, user testimonials, or case studies. For instance, use data to show market trends that support the need for your product, or include a case study of a beta tester who significantly benefited from your product. Use generative AI to gather such insights.

6) Address potential concerns

Identify potential objections and address them head-on. For example, if cost might be a concern, include a comparative analysis showing long-term savings compared to competitors. This approach demonstrates foresight and builds trust.

7) End with a memorable conclusion

Your conclusion should be more than a summary; it should be a final, persuasive pitch. For instance, conclude with, "Be a part of the revolution in enhancing project management efficiency by arranging a demo with us today."

You can also use a conclusion generator to craft a compelling closing statement, on top of embeding your calendar directly into the proposal to make taking that next step easier than ever.

Here's a great example of a deck with an embedded calendar:

Product proposal with an embedded calendar

Similarly, adding an 'Accept' button to your proposal can streamline the decision-making process. This simple yet powerful feature dramatically reduces friction, letting your clients commit with just a single click.

This effectively shortens the sales cycle, paving the way for quicker, more efficient business transactions.

Here's an example of a deck with an accept button:

Accept button example

How to design a product proposal?

Designing a product proposal is about creating a visual journey that captivates and informs. It's not just about what you say; it's about how you present it.

A well-designed proposal can significantly enhance the impact of your message, turning a simple document into an engaging experience.

7 design tips for your product proposal:

1) Embrace scrollytelling

Scrollytelling, or scroll-based storytelling, brings your proposal to life, turning static information into an interactive journey. As the reader scrolls, they're drawn into a story that unfolds with each swipe, keeping them engaged and interested.

Here's a great example of scrollytelling in action:

Product proposal scrollytelling

2) Personalize your deck

Personalize your proposal by integrating with a CRM to automatically extract elements like the prospect's name or company name. This level of personalization shows attention to detail and creates a connection with the prospect, making the proposal feel tailor-made for them.

Here's an example of a personalized proposal slide:

Personalized product proposal slide

3) Use data visualization

Go beyond basic charts and graphs. For example, use interactive timelines to show market trends or animated graphs to demonstrate user growth. This approach makes complex data easily digestible and engaging.

Here's a great example of data visualization use:

Product proposal data visualization

4) Include visuals and demonstrations

High-quality images, videos, or even interactive demos can significantly enhance your proposal. They allow the reader to see your product in action, providing a clearer understanding of its features and benefits.

For instance, a short video demo can be more effective than pages of text in explaining how your product works.

Here's an example of a visual proposal:

5) Design for all devices

In today's mobile-first world, your proposal needs to look great on any device. Responsive design ensures that your proposal adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience whether it's viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Here's what a responsive deck looks like:

Responsive deck example

6) Use consistent branding

Your proposal should reflect your brand's identity. Consistent use of colors, fonts, and logos reinforces your brand and builds trust. Every element of your proposal should align with your brand's aesthetic and values.

Here's an example of a branded deck:

Branded deck example

7) Add interactive elements

Incorporate interactive elements like clickable tabs, expandable sections, or embedded ROI calculators that prospects can adjust to see the potential return on their investment.

These features not only make your proposal more engaging but also allow readers to explore your product in a way that's hands-on and make its benefits more tangible.

Here's a great example of an interactive slide:

Product proposal interactive slide example

Interactive product proposal templates

Crafting a proposal from scratch requires not only a deep understanding of your product but also skills in design, storytelling, and data presentation.

This is where interactive product proposal templates become invaluable. They offer a well-structured starting point, saving you from the blank slide syndrome and hours of design work.

With customizable features, these templates allow you to infuse your brand's identity and tailor the content to your product's unique story.

Grab one from the library below.

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Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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