Winning Press Kit Examples That Tell Your Story (+Templates)

See successful press kit examples that are built for storytelling and optimized for engagement. Get press pack templates to create your best kit to date.

Press kit examples

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Short answer

What makes a good press kit?

A good press kit effectively highlights your brand’s story with a clean layout, compelling visuals, and concise content.

It should include a company overview, key achievements, media contacts, and high-resolution images. Tailored for easy navigation, it ensures journalists can quickly find and use relevant information.

Learn from the best how to shape the media narrative of your brand

Getting featured in a major publication can really put your brand on the map, especially when you’re just starting out. And it’s not just about getting your name out there; it also seriously boosts your credibility.

But be careful: if journalists don’t get your story right, it can do more harm than good.

That’s why I’ve put together some top-notch press kit examples. These will show you how to organize your media kit to steer your press coverage in the right direction.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

NOTE: If you want to learn what to include in your press kit and how to make one, check out our guide on what is a press kit and how to set it up.

Leading press kit examples that land you coverage

Creating a press kit can be a bit of a challenge because there's no one-size-fits-all solution. It all depends on what makes your company unique and how long you've been in business.

However, all successful press kits have a few things in common. I've handpicked some examples built on structures that have proven effective for other companies.

They're completely customizable, so if you see one you like, feel free to adapt it for your own use.

Photography influencer press kit

I chose to start with this photography influencer press kit because it really nails the balance between text and visuals.

I love how it kicks off with a quote from a photography magazine editor—this instantly builds trust. Then it shows off the diversity of the author’s portfolio, which is a great feature.

It would be even more impactful if it included links to different portfolio folders, maybe some downloadable content too. This would make it super easy for journalists to find and use exactly what they need for their stories.

TikTok influencer press kit

Remember how I mentioned that the specifics of your press kit really depend on the unique nature of your business? Well, this influencer press kit is the perfect example of what I was talking about.

It includes something I haven’t really seen in most kits—a live stream schedule. At first, I wasn’t sure why that was there.

But then it hit me: the press could either mention the schedule in their articles or even drop into a live stream to gather some firsthand insights. That’s super clever!

Design influencer press kit

I have to admit, when I first opened this press kit, I wasn't exactly sure what a design influencer was—and I bet some journalists might be in the same boat. So, clarity is crucial here.

And I think this press kit really delivers. It starts with a clear bio that spells out who Valeria is and what she's all about.

It follows up with photos of her work, and even includes a video from one of her live performances that you can play directly in the deck.

This setup makes it super easy for the press to tell your story just the way you want. Throwing in a logo and some downloadable content could make it even better.

Music artist press kit

I included this music artist press kit because it has everything a journalist could need, all within the deck.

My favorite feature is the slide with three embedded playlists of Nila's songs, which is particularly handy if you're experimenting with a bunch of different genres.

It makes it super easy for journalists to get a real feel for her music before they start writing their pieces.

Plus, if they have some extra time, there's a timeline of her upcoming concerts so they can experience her live. This is exactly how it should be done!

Movie press kit

This movie press kit is another fantastic example of how to make a journalist's job easier with your deck. When I opened it on my phone, I really appreciated the 'read more' sections that kept the main layout clean and easy to navigate.

I also liked how it introduced the key film crew members and main characters. If I were a busy journalist, I'd definitely appreciate not having to scour the internet for this information.

The only thing I'd add is an interview with the director. I always enjoy reading those to understand the creative process and the inspiration behind the film, and it really helps set the scene for the story too.

DJ press kit

One thing I've learned about the DJ industry is that it's all about who you know and where you've played. Busy promoters and journalists often don't have the time to catch your live show, so your press kit really needs to stand on its own.

And this one definitely does the job. I love that it includes links to sets and highlights from live performances. Personally, I'd consider swapping out the images and GIFs for actual videos to give a better sense of the live experience.

Press release kit

This has to be one of my favorite press pack examples so far. It might look simple at first glance, but it does the job beautifully.

What I really love about this is how easily you can customize it. See that {{company}} tag on the cover? With just a few clicks, you can whip up several personalized versions of your press kit, perfect for pitching to different publications.

And after you've sent it out, you can check the analytics panel to see who's looked at it, where they stopped reading, or if they clicked on your Call to Action button. It's incredibly useful!

Nonprofit press kit

Most of the press package examples I've come across look like they're straight out of the 90s, so this one was a breath of fresh air.

When I was looking through it on my phone, I really liked the clear table of contents with clickable hyperlinks. As a journalist, I could easily jump to the most relevant section or quickly check if anything was missing.

Considering how many outreach decks are viewed on mobile these days, failing to optimize for different devices could really mean missing out on potential opportunities.

Creative press kit

Since this press kit has 'creative' in its name, I was curious to see just how creative it could be, so I decided to give it a try.

What I really loved about it is how easy it is to make it your own. You just pull in the branding from your website by entering the URL, and like magic, the deck automatically applies your brand colors and logo.

Even better, when I added new slides, they all matched the existing layout perfectly, so I didn’t have to worry about messing up the design I’d worked so hard on.

Corporate press kit

Corporations often have stricter branding guidelines and press publication rules than other companies, so I was curious to see if this kit could handle that.

And it definitely did! There's a whole section for downloadables where you can add your logo, brand colors, or even link to your entire brand book.

This setup ensures that journalists can easily pick up your story and present it correctly, minimizing any chance of miscommunication or design errors.

Press packet

One thing that really bugs me about presentations (besides those outdated 90s designs) is when you're ready to reach out to the creator, but all you're left with is a "Thank you" slide.

So, I was excited to see how this press packet tackles that issue by including not just one, but two smart Calls to Action at the end of the deck.

This way, journalists can either book a meeting with you right away or take some time to explore additional resources before they start writing their piece.

Where do you find successful press kit templates?

Building a press kit is a lot more work than it might seem. You have to gather all your materials, make sure everything looks right, and keep it light enough not to clog up someone’s inbox.

And after all that effort, you could still miss the mark if journalists can’t easily find what they need, or if your kit just blends in with all the others.

Interactive press kit templates apply a tried-and-true structure that’s proven to work. Every single component is optimized for maximum engagement and designed to look flawless across all devices.

They really do the heavy lifting for you, letting you focus on what you do best.

Just grab one.

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Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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