Pitch Deck Design Guide & Customizable Templates

Learn how to design an irresistible pitch deck and get to work with modern creative pitch deck design templates built on principles that make you stand out.

pitch deck design

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Short answer

How to design a pitch deck that stands out?

  1. Design with storytelling in mind

  2. Embrace "show, don't tell" with visuals

  3. Make slides interactive to engage viewers

  4. Incorporate multimedia for a dynamic feel

  5. Start with a striking visual hook on the title slide

  6. Prioritize consistency in branding and design

Pitch deck design templates that stand out

Many entrepreneurs attempt to mitigate risk by doing things according to “best practices” which makes them end up doing things exactly the way everybody else does…

In the case of pitch deck design they throw money at agencies to create their decks, hoping to make a splash, but instead get swallowed in a sea of sameness.

Don’t sink more money into “pretty” presentations that won’t float.

Pitch decks are about the story, not the design. But the templates I bring you below do both. Their design was specifically built for interactive storytelling.

They grab attention with multimedia and let investors digest your story at their own pace in small bites.

Grab one and get to work.

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What makes good pitch deck design?

  • Good pitch deck design marries compelling content with striking visuals. It needs to include:
  • Balanced use of color and whitespace
  • Consistent branding throughout
  • Engaging visuals that complement the narrative
  • Typography that's both readable and aesthetically pleasing
  • Interactive elements to captivate viewers
  • Infographics or dataviz elements that simplify complex data

Agency vs. In-house pitch deck or design

While agencies bring diverse expertise to pitch deck creation, in-house design ensures brand consistency, allows for quick updates, and benefits from a team deeply familiar with your company's essence.

Plus, it's much more budget-friendly than agencies.

And, with a pitch deck design tool like Storydoc, the entire design process is made easy.

Storydoc’s AI design assistant guides your design to perfection, and the walled garden editor lets anyone on your team make content edits while preventing them from breaking the design or going off brand.

How much should a pitch deck cost?

Agencies charge premium rates for custom pitch deck designs, typically ranging from $2,000 to $10,000.

On the other hand, templates are a budget-friendly alternative, costing anywhere from free to a few hundred dollars. You shouldn’t pay more than this amount for a modern pitch deck design.

How long does it take to design a pitch deck?

Agencies can craft a pitch deck in 1-4 weeks, depending on project complexity and taking into consideration feedback loops. You can take this down from days to just 2-5 hours with interactive pitch deck templates.

How to design a fundable pitch deck

Crafting a pitch deck that captivates and convinces is an art. But like all arts, it's grounded in certain principles.

Drawing insights from "Pitch Perfect: Raising Capital for Your Startup" by Haje Jan Kamps, and further research, here are some best practices to ensure your pitch deck doesn't just look good but also resonates with its audience.

1) Use simple colors

Colors can set the tone for your entire presentation. Stick to clean, straightforward shades that complement each other. This not only makes your content pop but also keeps your audience's focus right where you want it.

Here's a great example of a clean presentation:

2) Use high-quality photographs

Personal photos, especially those that capture the essence of your brand or product, can elevate your pitch deck. They bring a touch of reality and relatability, making your story more compelling than generic stock images ever could.

3) Use consistent fonts and font sizes

Think of fonts as the voice of your slides. Imagine if someone kept changing their tone while speaking – confusing, right?

Choose one or two fonts that align with your brand's voice and use them consistently. This ensures a cohesive look and feel, making your content easily digestible.

Here's an example of a cohesive presentation:

4) Put no more than 30 words on a slide

Investors are busy people, so you should aim for short and sweet. About 30 words per slide should do the trick. It's enough to get your point across without overwhelming anyone.

5) Include product photography or screenshots

If you're showcasing a product, let it shine! Whether it's product photography or clear screenshots, these images offer a tangible feel, bridging the gap between idea and reality and making your pitch more compelling.

6) Ensure good contrast from the background

Ever strained your eyes trying to read text that barely stands out from the background? Ensure your text and images pop against their backdrop. Good contrast enhances readability and aesthetics.

Here's an example of a presentation with good contrast:

7) Use few images of people and more of your product

Carmen Simon's insights highlight the power and pitfalls of using human images. While they can make a message feel personal, they can also distract from the main content.

The trick? Use human images that feel genuine and align with your message. And remember, people are naturally drawn to faces, so use them to guide attention to key parts of your pitch.

8) Convey one idea per slide

Each slide is a piece of your story. By focusing on one main idea per slide, you make it easier for your audience to follow along and remember the key points of your pitch.

9) Avoid distractions

It's easy to get carried away with design elements, but your core message should always be front and center.

Keep your slides clean and focused, emphasizing the main points without unnecessary distractions like excessive text, flashy animations, and off-brand humor.

And, if you’re wondering what to put on each slide of your pitch deck, check out our article on how to create a winning pitch deck investors love.

Pitch deck design mistakes to avoid

While crafting that perfect pitch deck design is an exciting journey, there are a few pitfalls along the way that can trip you up.

Here are 5 common mistakes and how to avoid them:

1) The misuse of screenshots

We've all seen it – a screenshot that's too small, blurry, or just doesn't fit right. If you're using screenshots, make sure they're clear, relevant, and add value to your slide. Remember, it's all about clarity and context.

2) The temptation of overloading slides

It's tempting to pack in all the info, but too much text or too many images can overwhelm your audience. Keep it concise. Let each slide breathe and convey one main idea.

Basically, you don’t want your pitch deck design to end up looking like this:

Text-heavy PDF

3) Prioritizing design over content

A beautiful slide is great, but remember, investors are investing in you and your vision, not just a pretty presentation. While design matters, your content is king. Your message needs to shine through, loud and clear.

After all, you don’t want investors to start questioning what you might be trying to overcompensate for or hide under flashy designs, do you?

4) Too many distractions on slides

While creative pitch deck design is encouraged, avoid elements that overshadow your main points. Excessive animations or unrelated visuals can divert attention, diluting the impact of your pitch.

5) Not designing pitch decks for mobile viewing

Did you know that a third of all decks are opened on mobile? And there's nothing more off-putting for your reader, especially an investor short on time, than having to pinch and zoom to see your content. Making your deck mobile-friendly isn't just a nice touch—it's essential.

Here’s what a static deck looks like on mobile:

PDF document on mobile
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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