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How to Make a Sales Deck Memorable? (With Neuroscience)

Learn to use lessons learned from neuroscience to make unforgettable presentations that persuade prospects and drive forward your sales pipeline.

How to make a sales deck memorable

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Short answer

Why is a memorable sales presentation important?

Research shows that people forget 90% of new information within 2 days. This means that your prospects only retain about 10% of your sales presentation after your sales call. But decisions are made based on what you remember not what you forget. To improve your chances of closing deals you should make your sales deck more memorable.

How to make a memorable sales presentation?

“When you speak to your customers it is important to be memorable because they will make decisions in your favor based on what they remember, not on what they forget”.

- Carmen Simon, neuroscientist and author of Impossible to Ignore: Create Memorable Content to Influence Decisions.

There's no decision that the brain ever makes without involving memory. But people forget 90% of what you present after 48 hours. And the 10% they do remember? It's often random.

So, how can you control your 10% to ensure your audience walks away with the right bits of information?

Here's the secret sauce, straight from the world of brain science.

How to use science to create a memorable message

1) Clarify your core message

Pinpoint your core message. What's the one thing you want your prospects to remember?

Don’t make it about your agenda; make it about the reward you're offering.

And keep it simple. Our brain doesn't have the energy for a laundry list of points. Stick to 3 or 4 max.

2) Use the power of repetition

Once you've nailed down your message, don't just say it once. Repeat it. And then repeat it again.

This isn't about sounding like a broken record; it's about creating a pattern that your audience's brain can latch onto. This is called 'retro-cueing', and it's a powerful tool for memory.

3) Keep your message consistent

The brain sees consistency as validity. So, by repeating a clear, consistent message, you're not just making your sales deck memorable. You're also making it credible (prospects perceive it as factual).

4) Link your message to reflexes and habits

The brain loves to conserve energy, and reflexes and habits are its go-tos for this. Linking your content to these automatic responses can make it easier for your message to stick.

Use size, shape, and color to draw your audience’s attention to specific areas of your sales deck. By guiding them where they look, you can control what they remember.

Avoid visuals that look too similar. They can confuse your audience, as our brains need to work harder to understand and create meaning from such elements.

By pointing people to what you want them to see, you make it easier for them to absorb your content.

Here’s a good example of using reflexive cues to direct attention:

Using reflective cues to direct attention

People naturally focus on information that aligns with their existing habits. Once you understand these habits, you can use them to guide attention.

For example, if you’re selling a corporate social networking platform, you can display your logo among some familiar icons and use a standout color.

Guide your audience's focus by reactivating old memories, noting relationships between concepts, elaborating on past learnings, or deriving meaning.

Questions like “What does the way your team communicates say about your organizational values?" engage your audience and promote long-term memory.

Sales deck templates for memorable content

To help you get started I have assembled for you some of our top sales deck templates.

These templates use visual storytelling and interactive content to help you implement everything you’ve learned in this guide. It’s now easier than ever to make memorable content and close more deals.

Grab one.

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Amotz Harari

As the Head of Marketing, I lead Storydoc’s team of highly trained content-ops warriors fighting to eradicate Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it resides. My mission is to enable buyer decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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