How to Make Sales Collateral That Drives Pipeline

Learn to make effective sales collateral that stand out and generates sales. Find out how to measure and optimize sales collateral and make it accessible.

How to create sales collateral

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Short answer

How to makes effective sales collateral?

  1. Perfect your value proposition
  2. Personalize and tailor your messaging
  3. Animate your covers
  4. Use interactive content
  5. Use multimedia
  6. Measure, test, analyze, and optimize
  7. Always keep sales collateral up to date
  8. Use customer testimonials
  9. Invest in original branded design

How can I make my sales collateral stand out?

With the flood of sales materials that prospects receive on a daily basis, it's easy for your collateral to get lost in the noise.

So let's look at effective strategies and tactics that will help your sales collateral rise above the rest.

1) Hyper-personalize your collateral

Personalizing your sales collateral is the most important predictor of success. Decks with a personal note get 68% more prospects to read them in full and travel internally 2.3x more often.

Consider including personal details, such as the prospect's name, company, and specific pain points, to make your materials truly unique and impactful.

2) Invest in original design

Your sales collateral should reflect your brand and convey the unique value that your product or service provides. Investing in custom design will help your materials stand out from the competition and convey a professional image.

3) Animated cover

An animated cover can make your sales collateral more eye-catching and engaging. On average, 32% more people interact with presentations that have a video in their cover slide.

4) Use interactive content

Interactive content, such as ROI calculators or tabs to click through, can help make your sales collateral more engaging and memorable. It ensures that 41% more people will scroll it all the way down to the bottom and read it 21% longer.

5) Use multimedia

Incorporating multimedia, such as videos, images, and infographics, can help break up text-heavy materials and make them more visually appealing. This type of content can also help explain complex topics and bring your message to life in a way that words alone cannot.

How to make your sales collateral super effective

PowerPoints and PDFs may be the norm for sales collateral, but let's face it, they can be a bit of a snooze-fest.

Limited interactivity and customization options make PowerPoint tough to create materials that truly capture the attention of your prospects. However, there are ways to add some spark to these formats.

1) Perfect your value proposition

Your value proposition is the foundation of your sales collateral. It’s the reason why a prospect should choose your product or service over your competition. Avoid using industry jargon and buzzwords that your prospect might not understand. Also, don't just list features - focus on how your product or service will make your prospects' lives easier, more productive, or more enjoyable.

2) Send highly personalized collateral

This could include addressing the recipient by name, tailoring the content to their specific business challenges based on information that was gathered in a discovery call. It’s also a good practice to use the prospect’s company logo and brand colors where appropriate.

TIP: You can do this kind of personalization at scales using Storydoc. Our sales collateral creator integrates with your CRM and can both pull information from there into your decks AND create personalized deck directly from the contacts page in your CRM.

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3) Tailor your messaging

To make your sales collateral truly effective, you must tailor your messaging to your target audience. This means understanding the pain points, challenges, and aspirations of your prospects and crafting your messaging around that.

Tailor your messaging to customer personas, what prospects expressed interest in during their discovery call, and known industry issues. This will help you create messaging that resonates with your prospects and sets you apart from your competition.

4) Take your content from static to interactive

While PowerPoints and PDFs have their limitations, interactive sales collateral offers an endless list of opportunities to engage with prospects and communicate your message effectively.

Interactive content tools provide opportunities to create rich, dynamic experiences that can help you build stronger relationships with prospects and close more deals.

5) Optimize your decks for what people find important or interesting

Use data to understand what resonates with your target audience and what captures their attention.

This can't be done with your common-place PowerPoint or PDF since your tracking stops once the file has been sent (you don’t even know if it was ever opened).

That’s not the case with Storydoc which is a web-based application. Our extensive analytics panel allows you to test different versions of your collateral, see which slides they read the longest, and where they dropped off.

For example, if you see that your Pricing slide is where they stopped reading, you can target them with an individual discount and win their attention back.

Storydoc analytics panel - Deck versions

6) Make sure your sales collateral is on brand

Your sales materials are the perfect opportunity to showcase your brand's personality and leave a lasting impression on your prospects. Imagine these materials as a mini representation of your brand, making an impact with every interaction.

To make sure your brand shines, consistency is key! Use the same colors, logos, and font across all of your materials to create a seamless brand experience. Your prospects will recognize your brand in an instant and feel confident in their decision to work with you.

7) Always keep sales collateral up to date

Your sales collateral should be a living document, always evolving and adapting to the needs of your customers and the market. Regularly updating your sales collateral with new information, features, and customer feedback will ensure that it stays relevant and effective.

8) Use customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful tool to add credibility to your sales collateral. They provide prospects with real-life examples of how your product or service has helped others solve similar challenges, which can help build trust with prospects and give them confidence in your solution.


Where to find sales collateral templates that stand out?

You don't need to go far. Right below you got some high-performing sales collateral templates that you can use to create collateral that stands out, demonstrates value, and helps you close deals fast.

No templates found

How can I measure the success of my sales collateral?

Imagine the excitement of watching your sales soar as you harness the full potential of your sales collateral - it's all within reach with the right metrics in place!

Sales collateral metrics

1) Reading time

By measuring the amount of time potential customers spend reading your content, you can gain insights into what's working and what's not. Are they devouring every word, or are they skimming and moving on? By analyzing this data, you can fine-tune your messaging and create collateral that really hits the mark.

NOTE: While reading time is a valuable metric, it's not the best indicator for a deal moving forward. It is better to use a smart engagement score which combines multiple engagement metrics, like time spent and reading depth to give you a more accurate estimation about the deal's status. This type of aggregate engagement metric is provided in Storydoc.

Smart engagement score

2) Next step conversion rate

This metric tracks the number of prospects who take the next step after viewing your materials, whether that's filling out a form, scheduling a meeting, or downloading additional content,

Tracking this metric will give you an idea of the effectiveness of your materials in moving prospects along the sales funnel.

3) Meetings booked

This metric measures the number of in-person or virtual meetings booked as a result of your sales collateral. It's a great way to see the direct impact of your materials on your bottom line and track the ROI of your efforts.

4) Internal shares

As B2B buying teams are expanding, this metric will help you identify whether and when champions are spreading your collateral within their organization.

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5) Reading completion

More than reading time, tracking how many of your leads read your sales collateral all the way through is your best indicator of interest. This shows whether they're finding the information valuable enough to stick with it until the end.

Tips for measuring sales collateral:

  • Build your collateral with modern tools that come equipped with analytics
  • Run a tight and organized CRM (be scrappy and use a spreadsheet or invest in a CRM platform)
  • Optimize your decks based on where readers spend their time (remove what they skip and expand on what they dig into)

How can I make my sales collateral accessible to my sales team?

When it comes to sales, time is of the essence. Your sales team needs quick and easy access to their sales collateral so they can get back to selling.

But with so much content and so many formats, it can be challenging to make everything accessible. Don't worry, there are solutions for this. Let’s take a look at a few…

1) Keep a centralized repository

Create a one-stop-shop for all your sales materials. This could be in the form of a shared drive, cloud-based platform, or a dedicated portal. With everything in one place, your sales team will never waste time searching for what they need.

How to optimize your sales collateral repository:

  • User-friendly navigation: Make sure your repository is easy to navigate with clear categories and a search function. Your sales team will appreciate being able to quickly find what they're looking for, saving them time and stress.
  • Mobile accessibility: Ensure your repository is mobile-friendly so your sales team can access it from anywhere, at any time. This way, they'll always be prepared for their next sale.
  • Up-to-date content: Keep your sales collateral fresh and relevant. Make sure it's always up-to-date so your sales team has the most accurate information at their fingertips.
  • Add personalization functions: Empower your sales team by allowing them to personalize the sales collateral they use. This could be as simple as letting them add their own introduction or as complex as letting them select specific content for their presentations.
  • Training and support: Provide your sales team with training and support on how to access and use your sales collateral. This will ensure they're comfortable using the repository and can easily find what they need.

2) Bring collateral to where salespeople work (hint: your CRM)

Being able to make your sales collateral accessible to your sales reps within your CRM makes them a million percent more likely to use it long term. This is exactly what Storydoc does for you. And the implication is much bigger than enabling your reps to have updated content on hand.

Storydoc integrates with CRMs like Salesforce or HubSpot which lets us pull data directly from your CRM, and automatically create a personalized version at scale.

It also means that your reps can see the sales decks in their CRM, send them from their CRM, and view deck analytics in their CRM.

Imagine how easy this makes onboarding your team.

To learn more about how Storydoc makes you work smarter, not harder, check out our Integrations page.

CRM integrations


Why is sales collateral important?

  1. Builds trust: Sales collateral such as customer testimonials, case studies, and informative white papers adds to your credibility and authority, and lays the foundations for prospects to trust you - which is a prerequisite for giving you their business.
  2. Supports the sales process: Sales collateral provides the information and resources that sales reps need to communicate the value of a product or service.
  3. Provides a competitive advantage: Sales materials have been shown to increase the likelihood of winning a high-quality, low-regret deal by 26%.
  4. Saves time: Instead of having to create presentations and other materials from scratch, sales reps can simply use the sales collateral that's already been created.

How do I know what sales collateral to create?

If you're feeling lost in the sea of sales collateral options, you're not alone. With so many different types available, it can be tough to figure out which ones will make the biggest impact on your audience.

But fear not, because we're here to help you navigate the waters and create sales collateral that will have even the most doubtful prospects begging to buy. So, let's jump in!

1) Align with your sales team

Collaborate with your sales team and ask them directly about their needs. What types of information do they need to close deals? What types of materials would make their lives easier?

By understanding their pain points and the types of questions they frequently receive from prospects, you'll be better equipped to create the right collateral.

2) Assess your ability to communicate value

Take a step back and assess your ability to effectively communicate the value of your product or service. Are there any gaps in your messaging? Are there aspects of your offering that are difficult to articulate? Addressing these gaps will help you create materials that better explain and highlight the unique value that your product or service provides.

Pay attention to the types of questions that prospects are asking. This feedback can help you identify areas where additional collateral might be needed to address their concerns or objections.

4) Do a prioritization matrix analysis:

Prioritize the creation of collateral by doing a prioritization matrix. This means evaluating the feasibility and importance of creating different types of materials, and focusing on creating what's highly-important and highly-feasible first.

By doing this, you can ensure that you're using your time and resources effectively and making the biggest impact possible.

Who creates and distributes sales collateral?

In most companies, the creation and distribution of sales collateral is a team effort involving collaboration between sales, marketing, and sales enablement teams, with the support of designers, videographers, and developers.

In small businesses, a single person or department might handle it, while larger corporations may have a dedicated sales collateral manager or agency.

Distributing the collateral is mostly the job of AEs, SDRs, and BDRs.

Professionals involved in creating sales collateral:

  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Representatives
  • Sales Specialists
  • Sales Associates
  • Content marketing specialists
  • Product marketing managers
  • Sales enablement professionals
  • Graphic designers
  • Copywriters
  • Videographers and video editors
  • Developers

How to streamline collaboration between sales and marketing?

Collaboration between sales and marketing teams is crucial for the success of sales collateral. By working together, they can create materials that effectively communicate the value of a product or service and drive results.

  1. Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Make sure everyone knows their role in the creation, review, and distribution of sales collateral. Avoid duplicating effort and keep everyone accountable.
  2. Align on brand guidelines: Make sure both teams know the company's brand guidelines for tone, visuals, and messaging. This helps keep everything looking consistent.
  3. Establish regular meetings: Schedule regular meetings between sales and marketing to catch up on projects, give feedback, and plan for the future.
  4. Keep it all in one place: Use a centralized platform for collaboration and information sharing, like a project management tool or shared file system. This way, everyone can easily access the latest versions of sales collateral and avoid using outdated materials.
  5. Keep the lines of communication open: Encourage open communication between sales and marketing teams to make sure everyone's opinions and suggestions are heard. This can also help resolve any issues that arise during the process. Task management tools are ideal for connecting team members, keeping track of processes, and following up on tasks when needed.
  6. Measure success: Set up KPIs to measure the success of your sales collateral and continuously improve the process. This helps everyone stay focused on a common goal.

How can I repurpose existing content into new sales collateral?

If your company has been around for a while, you're sitting on a wealth of valuable content - from persuasive blog posts to engaging videos, informative infographics to impactful case studies.

Instead of creating your sales collateral from scratch, repurpose what you already have. You can make these resources even more high converting by using an SEO tool.

Content you can repurpose into great sales collateral:

  • Work video into text collateral: Transcribe the audio, add some visuals, and you have a new piece of content, such as an email template or a product cheat sheet, that can be used to engage your target audience.
  • Work text into video: This could be as simple as recording yourself reading the content, or you could create an animated video that uses the text as a script. Goes without saying that adding subtitles to video not only boosts the accessibility but also significantly broadens your video reach.
  • Mix content types to create something better: You could use video testimonials in your product demo videos, or include infographics in your decks to break up long blocks of text and make the content more visually appealing.
  • Turn data into stories: By turning your data into stories, you can make it more engaging and memorable. Take your reports and turn them into demo talking points, highlighting key insights and creating a narrative that will captivate your audience.
  • Compile a collection of your top-performing blog posts into an email series: Whether you're providing tips for success, sharing industry insights, or just showcasing your expertise, your audience will appreciate having a steady stream of value delivered straight to their inbox.
  • Use infographics to support your points: By using statistics and eye-catching visuals from your previous blog posts and whitepapers, you can show your audience that you've done your research and are an expert in your field. You can even include quotes to add a touch of personality and credibility to your pitch.

How can I create sales collateral on a tight budget?

  1. Reduce studio costs by using tools to streamline the process: Storydoc makes content creation a breeze and eliminates the need for costly studio time. You can create professional-looking product demos, interactive sales presentations, and more, all from the comfort of your own office.
  2. Reduce art costs by using AI art generators: Dall-E is the perfect tool for creating custom graphics and images that are truly one-of-a-kind. With artificial intelligence, Dall-E generates stunning visuals based on your specifications in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional methods.
  3. Reduce product demo images by repurposing visuals from your website: Your website holds the key to cost-effective and visually stunning product demos. Simply repurpose screenshots of your product in action and voila! You'll have a budget-friendly solution that packs a punch.
  4. Don't create from zero - use templates: There are many ready-made templates available on the internet that you can use for free or for a small fee. These templates provide a great starting point and can be customized to meet your specific needs.
  5. Use templates tailored to your business's specific needs: Sure, there may be a higher upfront cost, but the time and money saved in the long run more than make up for it.
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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