Create an Influencer Media Kit to Land Deals (+Examples)

Learn how to create an influencers media kit that gets you brand deals. Get tips on what to include and influencer media kit examples usable as templates.

How to create an influencer media kit

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Short answer

What to include in a media kit for influencers?

  1. Title slide

  2. Short biography

  3. Your work

  4. Audience demographics

  5. Social media handles and statistics

  6. Services you offer

  7. Testimonials

  8. Previous partnerships

  9. Next steps

Read on for the full details ⤵

You have to plan your media kit well in advance to land deals

As a seasoned blogger, I have to admit I was putting off creating an influencer media kit for far too long.

And I know for a fact I’m not the only one. It’s something many new bloggers don’t even think about.

Then suddenly, they get their first request for a media kit and it’s all panic stations. They scramble something together just to avoid missing out on the opportunity.

Often, what they end up with is a pretty average media kit that looks just like everyone else’s and misses key elements.

That’s why I decided to write this guide. I want you to be able to respond to your first media kit request with confidence and clinch that deal.

Let’s get started!

What is an influencer media kit?

An influencer media kit is a presentation that highlights an influencer's personal brand, audience demographics, engagement statistics, past collaborations, and contact information.

It serves as a professional portfolio to negotiate partnerships and collaborations with brands.

How to make an influencer media kit?

From my own experience, successful content creators often don't want to share their secrets. Even when they do, their opinions on what works can vary so much that it's hard to know who to believe.

So, after months of research and advice from fellow content creators, I've decided to put together this step-by-step guide on how to create an influencer media kit.

1) Title slide

Many people see the title slide as just a formality, but it’s actually one of the most important parts of your content creator media kit.

Make sure to include your name or brand logo, along with a photo that reflects your personal brand.

Add information about where you’re based and your niche. For example, if you’re a travel blogger, a relaxed photo of you on one of your trips works well.

Think of this slide as the cover of your personal stAory, setting the stage for what’s inside. It’s your first chance to impress and gives a hint of the quality and style of content you produce.

An example of a title slide:

Influencer media kit title slide example

2) Short biography

Creating a biography that highlights what makes you unique is essential. Skip the generic stuff and focus on specific skills, experiences, or insights that show your influence and authority in your niche.

Out of the hundreds of thousands of content creators out there, why should you be the one to work with that brand?

For example, if you're a tech blogger, mentioning that you got featured in Forbes will show that you really know your stuff.

Great example of a biography slide:

Influencer media kit short biography slide example

3) Examples of past work

This section should be a curated portfolio showcasing your best and most relevant work.

Include professional photos that capture your brand’s aesthetic, or a cool social media wall aggregating your best posts. This will give potential partners a clear sense of the visual style you bring to collaborations.

Pick examples that not only look great but also show measurable success, like a boost in engagement or sales from a campaign.

Discuss the strategies behind your content choices and how they align with brand goals. This adds context and really shows off your understanding of both content creation and marketing dynamics.

Example of a past work slide:

Influencer media kit past work slide example

4) Audience demographics

In your media kit, it's important to highlight where your audience is from and their age range. This helps brands figure out if your followers align with their target market.

For example, a brand that's only selling in the US will want to partner with influencers whose followers are mainly in the US. This way, they can be sure they're putting their money where it's most likely to pay off.

Here's what an audience demographics slide looks like:

Infuencer media kit audience demographics slide example

5) Social media handles and statistics

While I truly believe the quality of your work is more important than your follower count, the reality is that many brands won't consider collaborating with you unless you meet their minimum follower requirements.

So, it’s important to include essential stats like follower counts. Focus on the platforms where you're most active, especially those where you post sponsored content.

Then, go deeper with metrics like engagement rate, meaning the percentage of your audience that actively engages with your content.

Sadly, it's still common for some influencers to buy followers. Followers who discover your content organically are far more valuable because they're more likely to lead to actual sales for the brand.

You can use tools like Phlanx or SocialBlade to figure out your engagement rate.

What I like about Phlanx is that they also provide stats on the average engagement rate depending on your audience size, so you can easily benchmark yourself against other content creators.

Great example of a social media slide:

Influencer media kit social media handles and statistics slide

6) Services you offer

In your media kit, be clear about the services you offer; don’t leave brands guessing about what they can expect from collaborating with you.

Whether or not to include your rate card in the kit can vary—some prefer to keep it separate to allow for initial discussions without immediate cost implications.

You can always add a note that says something like “A rate card is available upon request”.

However, be upfront about the type of content you can produce, such as videos, posts, or entire campaigns. Clearly outlining your services will minimize back-and-forth and help brands decide quickly if they want to work with you.

And, even if this specific campaign doesn’t work out, they’re likely to add you to your database. So, when that perfect opportunity comes up, you’ll already be on the brand’s radar.

Example of a services slide:

Influencer media kit pricing slide example

7) Testimonials

In your media kit, include testimonials to boost your credibility. These can be from brands you've worked with before, highlighting successful partnerships.

If you're newer and don't have many brand collaborations yet, feedback from your followers can also be very valuable. This shows potential partners what your audience loves about your content and why they engage with it.

Both types of testimonials help demonstrate your influence and the positive impact you can have on a brand's goals.

Example of a testimonials slide:

Influencer media kit testimonials slide example

8) Previous collaborations

In your media kit, it's a smart move to include a strip of logos from brands you've previously worked with, especially if space is limited. Recognizable names can quickly grab attention.

For more detailed discussions or later stages of brand negotiations, you can expand this section to include specifics about the campaigns you've participated in and the results you achieved.

This layered approach allows you to initially capture interest with well-known logos and then back it up with solid evidence of your successful collaborations.

Again, if you don’t have much to show for yourself in this area yet, you can include some examples of dream collaborations.

Example of a previous collaborations slide:

Influencer media kit logo strip

9) Next steps slide

Make sure your contact details are easy to find in your media kit. If a brand has to hunt around just to find your email address, they might not bother and could move on to another influencer instead.

Include your email, phone number, and even a direct link to your professional calendar. This makes it super easy for brands to book a meeting with you, reducing any friction in initiating contact.

By embedding your calendar, you're basically inviting brands to engage with you. The simpler and more straightforward you make this final step, the more likely brands are to reach out for collaboration.

Next steps slide example:

Influencer media kit next steps slide example

Influencer media kit examples that get you brand deals

Now it’s time to put what you’ve learned so far into practice.

Below, I’ve handpicked some powerful influencer media kit examples. They all apply a winning structure based on what has worked for other clients in the past and can easily be used as customizable templates to match your personal brand.

Health and wellness influencer media kit

I like how this media kit for influencers grabs your attention right away with a video on the cover slide—it gives brands a clear sense of the influencer's style from the start.

Plus, as a corporate client, I'd really appreciate the values section. One of the reasons why influencer deals can fall through is the lack of alignment with a company’s values.

Being upfront about what you stand for, along with links to your social media for brands to see for themselves, makes it easier for potential clients to decide if they want to work with you.

Travel influencer media kit

As a travel blogger myself, I was super excited to play around with this media kit to see if I could get some inspiration for my own.

My favorite feature was the interactive data visualization slide that makes it really easy for brands to see if your audience overlaps with their target. I loved how I could hover over each element to get more information about what it presents.

However, I was disappointed to find that it didn't include social media statistics. Sure, I could add a slide from the library, but it would be great if this was already built-in.

Sports influencer proposal

After seeing a previous influencer media kit that left out social media statistics, I thought this one was a perfect example of what to include.

I really liked how it showed not only the Instagram follower count but also data on the age range, gender, and location of the followers.

The only thing missing is the engagement rate; adding that would give brands everything they need to see if it’s a good fit.

I did wonder why it only mentioned Instagram and not other social media platforms, but maybe that’s the main platform this influencer uses for partnerships.

Social media influencer proposal

Out of all the influencer media kits I've looked at—and there have been a lot—this one is definitely one of my favorites.

The biography slide instantly builds authority and would make me want to work with Marcelina if I were a brand rep, and not just because Christian Dior is my favorite fashion designer ;)

It then keeps your attention with a narrator slide. As I scrolled through, it alternated between different company logos and examples of photos and videos from each campaign.

The big names are impressive, but I could also immediately see the quality I could expect if I decided to collaborate with this influencer. It’s a winner in my book!

Travel influencer proposal

Out of the two travel influencer proposals I picked for this blog post, this is the one I’d be more likely to use myself.

Some people think you should keep the rate sheet separate, but I believe it works well included here.

I like how there’s a separate tab for each service the influencer offers, complete with a brief description and the price.

This setup helps minimize any misunderstandings about the project scope and deliverables later on, and brands will definitely appreciate the clarity.

At the very least, it makes it easier for them to consider you for future opportunities.

Fitness influencer proposal

While I know some basics of graphic design for my blog, one thing I always struggle with is finding the right logo versions and making them look consistent throughout the document.

So, I really appreciated the logo finder feature that automatically extracts logos and branding elements from any website, saving me the hassle.

Plus, the projects section really won me over. All the videos can be embedded and played directly from the deck. Since busy brand reps have dozens of proposals to review, this makes the media kit immediately stand out.

And the 'read more' sections are really cool—they keep things clean while making all the campaign details readily available.

Trend researcher influencer proposal

When I opened this content creator media kit, it was interesting to see a familiar face. Back when I worked in the fashion industry, I remember her campaigns with the company I worked for.

What I love about this influencer proposal is how the Unique Value Proposition is clear in every detail, from the color choices to the concise bio, and the variety of photos that highlight the creative concept.

And what's really cool is that it builds momentum by adding a clever call-to-action button at the end, encouraging readers to send a direct message to the influencer right after going through the deck.

Photography influencer press kit

What I like about this photography influencer press kit is how it balances visuals with text. Having a quote from a magazine editor right after the cover slide instantly builds credibility and grabs my attention.

I also loved how the photos are displayed. There's a narrator slide that guided me through different press features, and another that showcases the influencer's diverse portfolio.

The only thing I think it’s missing is a link to the different portfolio folders so readers can easily explore more.

TikTok influencer press kit

I have to admit, when I opened this influencer press kit, I was expecting to see a bunch of videos right away. Given how much this platform focuses on visuals and short attention spans, that was a surprise.

But, it includes something I haven't seen in any other press kit—a live stream schedule.

This is really clever because if a brand has some time, they can tune in and see the influencer's style of content creation firsthand. It’s a super creative addition!


If you have more questions about influencer media kits, here's everything you need to know:

How much does it cost to create an influencer media kit?

The cost of creating a media kit for influencers can vary quite a bit, depending on how detailed and customized you want it to be.

If you're looking to save money, you can use Canva, which offers free templates that you can easily customize yourself.

If you want something more interactive, Storydoc has plans that start at $30 a month. This option gives you an edge over other influencers by letting you create something brands haven’t seen a thousand times over.

For a fully custom and professional design, you might consider hiring a professional designer. This option is much pricier, typically starting around $400 and can go up to $1,000.

How many pages should an influencer media kit be?

An influencer media kit can come in 2 versions, each suited for different stages of talking to brands:

  1. One-page media kit: This short version quickly grabs attention with key stats and top collaborations.

  2. Extended media kit: This longer version, which can be up to 5 pages, goes into more detail about your audience, your projects, and testimonials.

This approach lets you have the right kit ready, whether you’re making a first impression or getting into deeper discussions.

How to send your influencer media kit to brands?

When sending your influencer media kit to brands, professionalism and timing are key.

Start by identifying the right contact person at the brand, usually someone in marketing or partnerships.

Email is the most common and effective method; include a brief, personalized message that highlights why you're reaching out. how you could collaborate, and what’s in it for them.

For static media kits, attach a PDF to make sure it looks good on any device. If your media kit is interactive, send a link to an online version. This way, you won’t have to worry about email size limits and you can show off interactive features effectively.

Where to find influencer media kit templates?

Putting together a content creator media kit might seem simple at first, but it actually takes a lot of time. You need to pull together your stats, pick the visuals that best showcase your work, and track down the right logos from your partners.

And even after all this effort, most kits out there look pretty much the same, so there’s no guarantee yours will be the one to catch brands’ attention.

Interactive influencer media kit templates use a structure that’s already been proven effective by other content creators. Just add your own content and everything will automatically adjust to fit the layout.

Plus, you can create personalized versions of your media kit in just a few clicks.

Just grab one!

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Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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