Your organization has spent a considerable amount of time creating analytics content. Each one of these artifacts that are being used for understanding and decision-making live in disjointed, different places...making it hard for end users to find the benefit. Using only vendor specific portals/entry-points slows down data consumer productivity and ultimately hinders overall decision-making. Users get frustrated as confusion grows and all of the hard work your team has put into creating meaningful analytics content across many different tools goes unrealized. On average, only roughly 20% of analytics content created in an organization is actually used. Imagine the wasted cycles and opportunity. Surely we can do better than that.
Unified BI (UBI) portals (also known as analytics catalogs) aim to improve the analytics consumer user experience by creating a custom branded, intentionally designed, single entry point for all analytics. Analytics consumers no longer need to know the what, where, how, why, or who of individual analytics tools or artifacts. These UBI portals incorporate recommendations, search, auditing, additional metadata, multi-tenancy, composite dashboards, story-telling, and so many other features...all in a single catalog for easy analytics consumption. All of this while still respecting individual tool security constraints. Something as simple as this lightweight technology can truly unlock the value of the analytics content you've likely already created and currently house across many systems and repositories. This can be a real game changer in enabling your organization's data based decision making abilities.
UBI and's what we do! PMsquare simplifies the complex challenge of architecting a data and analytics strategy that actually works. As an end-to-end solution provider, our team of analytics experts delivers through strategy, implementation, and ongoing support.
Our team is business-driven, prioritizing the business requirements and goals of your organization by building a tailored strategy around it, finding the best combination of technologies, services, and solutions.
Our cloud-first approach focuses on customers integrating the most scalable, cost-effective, and secure technological foundation to ensure long-term success & sustainability.
Users feel overwhelmed when working with analytics
Average time spent per user just searching for information per month
Data driven companies outperform their peers by a very meaningful margin