This is a preview of your story

{{first_name}}, see how companies, teams, people do more with Ambition.

⏱ Avg. Reading Time: 3 min


Who we are

Rep Performance Management for the work-from-anywhere world. Enterprise grade Sales Coaching, Analytics, and Gamification software.

Meet your team

Colin Bobinski

Enterprise Account Executive

Travis Truett

Chattanooga + Seattle

Mark McWatters

VP - Enterprise Sales

Kelly Berg

VP - Customers


Butler Raines

VP - Product/ Engineering

We’re very fortunate to work with some great brands and be recognized by the top software review site - G2 Crowd - as a Top 50 software company - the only one in our space.

The emergence of the new ‘Digital Seller’

What we’re hearing from sales leaders…

Loss of sales culture
Loss of sales culture
Loss of sales culture
Where / how to spend time
Loss of sales culture
Lack of visibility & insight
Loss of sales culture
Under-utilized tech bloat

Loss of Sales Culture - the move to WFH / remote has led to a loss of company and sales culture. How to encourage and celebrate wins. How to hold teams accountable and create healthy sales “floor” competition.


Not Enough Time - managers often have 6-10 reps and don’t have enough hours in the day to spend with them, help strategize and close deals and most importantly coach. Meanwhile reps struggle with how to best spend their time and efforts to hit their targets.


Visibility & Insight - sales managers and leaders lack insight into what’s working and what’s not. Who’s struggling and how can they emulate the behaviors / actions of the top performers.


Tech Bloat - most sales orgs have 6-12 different sales tools. Reps struggle with which and how to use tools. Many tools go un-used or under utilized.


The front-line-manager dilemma


…reps say poorly trained people managers create a lot of unnecessary work and stress


…actively considering leaving because of bad manager


…hours per week the average manager spends coaching their reps2

{{company}} Stats

*from LinkedIn

  • arrow_circle_right

    {{number1}} Sales Managers <2 yrs Experienceasdgasdgsdga

  • arrow_circle_right

    10:1 Rep:Mgr Ratio

  • arrow_circle_right

    “Middle 70%” Reps

  • arrow_circle_right

    {{number2}} “At-Risk” Repstest

  • report_problem

    {{number3}}% of time managers spend coaching top or bottom performers

Why Revenue Performance?

“Coaching moments are a sales manager’s most impactful opportunities to influence rep behavior and performance.”

Ambition Revenue Performance Platform™


  • Metrics & goals
  • Scorecards
  • Performance analytics


  • Gamify sales with competitions
  • Leaderboards to showcase success
  • Accolades & rewards


  • Consistent 1:1 check-ins
  • Goal & metrics driven conversations
  • Actions & follow-ups


  • Real-time recognition
  • Celebrate wins & milestones
  • Build & reinforce culture

Ambition Revenue Performance Platform™

Sales tech stack - where Ambition fits

Total Economic Impact

A commissioned Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Ambition in Q1-2022.


Sales activity - more calls, more meetings, more pipeline, more revenue

7 hours

Saved per week for managers to focus on high value coaching & strategy


Time saved to create and run competitions


Improved rep retention


Return on Investment(ROI) with Ambition

Next Steps

  • check_circle_outline

    Ambition Solution Review and Demo

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    Additional Stakeholder Engagement - leadership, SDR, Sales Ops…

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    Revenue Ops Discussion - technical, re: integrations, data, etc.

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    Business Case - refine ROI model, identify funding/budget

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    Formal Proposal - what is sales tech buying process?

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    Other Threads
    Legal - NDA, MSA, …
    Procurement, contracting, pricing

Ready to grow?

Whether your team is in-office or remote, we give sales managers the tools they need to coach with impact, motivate performance, and hold their reps accountable to goals — all in real time.